Spoiled child can't get laid, goes on killing spree (1 Viewer)

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Some of those on the bodybuilding forum totally had him pegged.



Wayne Kerr

a fuck off is always acceptable*
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I'm trying to convince myself that they were just friends or something, so that I can actually get some sleep tonight.

Even if they were just friends, it still pisses me off that she is his friend and not mine.
this guy sounds like jean luc


hahaha, this could be the greatest youtube video i have ever seen LOL. This lol laughing and low voice, he should be in some movie class. :rofl:


Don't let fear decide your fate
I saw this earlier and did a search to see if anyone else had posted it already, Blaine beat me to it!

I watched the video further up and the retibrution video and well the reasons he didn't have a girlfriend were pretty obvious in the first minute of the video, he chased the popular crowd who he didn't belong to, he was a presentable well spoken guy a world away from the jock he wanted to be.

They say a killer could be that guy stood next to you in line at the supermarket or that guy sat further down the bar who you struck up an idle conversation with and you'd never know it, this is true in the majority of cases but as soon as you looked at this kid and saw his mannerisms and tone of voice it was quickly noticeable something was very off about it him. Regular people and even "popular" people, particularly the girls, who came into contact with him would notice something off about him and probably dismissed him as a creepy loser.

For me he is a younger version of George Sodini, more info on him here....

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Just another egocentric fool who had an inflated sense of self worth and felt he was entitled to something, in some ways I do sympathize with him but in others he is as it says in the title a spoiled child not getting his own way its sad that a well educated well spoken guy allowed his obsession with popularity and recognition overrule him for so many years.

Watching the video and looking in him the eye left me with that same cold feeling I got when I saw a picture of Mohammed Atta, the 9/11 ring leader, he had those same dead eyes devoid of any emotion or soul.

Like the Virginia tech killer Cho Seung Hui his motives were purely selfish. He blamed everyone else and his inflated sense of self worth made him believe it was everyone elses fault, I really do despair at the age we live in driven by sex and material wealth.

R.I.P to the six innocent victims who lost their lives to a selfish spoiled child who through a tantrum cause the popular kids wouldn't be his friend.