The Crossbow Cannibal (1 Viewer)

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"Crossbow Cannibal" Stephen Griffiths slashes wrists after being handed razor blade by inmate
It is the sixth time he has tried to kill himself at Wakefield Prison
Crossbow Killer Stephen Griffiths
“Crossbow Cannibal” Stephen Griffiths has tried to kill himself in jail for a SIXTH time... and he did it with a razor handed to him by a fellow inmate.
The serial killer, 42, who is on permanent suicide watch, slashed his wrists in his cell in the middle of the night.
Prison officers saw what Griffiths was doing and rushed in, grabbing the razor and pinning him down to stop him.
The killer was examined by a doctor who said his wrist wound should be treated with stitches.
But Griffiths, serving life for murdering three women, refused so nurses wrapped his arms in bandages to stop the bleeding.
(left to right) Susan Rushworth, 43, Suzanne Blamires, 36, and Shelley Armitage, 31 (
It is the sixth time he has tried to kill himself at Wakefield Prison, which is known as Monster Mansion because it holds so many murderers and rapists.
Prison chiefs have launched an inquiry into how the heavily-monitored prisoner was able to get the weapon into his cell.
A source said: “It appears that Griffiths was given a razor blade by one of the other prisoners so that he could do this to himself.
“It’s not great that he managed to get hold of a blade and try to kill himself while on suicide watch so an investigation has been launched. It was only the quick action of the officers that saved him.” Former criminology student Griffiths is being held on the prison’s health-care wing.
This was the first time he was able to get hold of a blade. He has previously tried to kill himself with batteries, plastic bags and shards of broken glass. He also went on hunger strike for ten months last year.
Griffiths, who gave his name at a court hearing as “The Crossbow Cannibal”, was jailed for life in December 2010. He had admitted killing Suzanne Blamires, 36, Shelley Armitage, 31, and Susan Rushworth, 43, after luring them to his flat on the edge of the red light district in Bradford, West Yorkshire.
His crimes were discovered after a caretaker saw footage of Miss Blamires’ murder as he reviewed CCTV footage from the block of flats where Griffiths lived. It showed him firing a crossbow bolt at his victim, then holding the bow above his head in a triumphant gesture before raising a can of drink to the camera. He claimed he had eaten parts of his victims’ bodies.
The Ministry of Justice said yesterday it did not comment on individual prisoners.
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Stephen Griffiths pictured at fee-paying Queen Elizabeth Grammar school, in Wakefield.


A snap from his MySpace web page thought to be taken when he was in his 20s.


Stephen Shaun Griffiths


Stephen Shaun Griffiths


Stephen Shaun Griffiths


Two crossbows belonging to cannibal killer Stephen Griffiths were recovered by police.



Griffiths was researching murders in Bradford in the 19th Century as part of his PhD Bradford University thesis


Stephen Shaun Griffiths


Stephen Shaun Griffiths


Stephen Shaun Griffiths


Police forensic tents near where the remains of Suzanne Blamires were found
in the river Aire, Shipley, West Yorkshire.





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The victims


Susan Rushworth, 43


Shelley Armitage, 31


Suzanne Blamires, 36



Kate Price is bracing herself for sackloads of sick fan mail from banged-up killers
The ex-model has become a psychos’ pin-up after confess-ing she has a fetish for murderers and sex beasts.

Killer Stephen Griffiths, 41, has already written Kate rambling “love letters”.

The self-styled Crossbow Cannibal is serving life after he butchered three women in Bradford, West Yorks,

A prison source has warned a host of monsters are likely to follow suit by writing to 33-year-old Kate, who declared last week: “I love sickos.”

Mum-of-three Kate, said she relaxes at the end of the day by snuggling up in bed with books and movies about killers.

She said: “I’m just obsessed by really true, sick crime, real cut-up, blood and gore murders.

“I’ve read about all the killers in detail, Harold Shipman, Ted Bundy and Rose and Fred West. When I’m not reading about killers, I’m watching horror films. I suppose it all makes me feel lucky about my own life.”

The prison source added: “It’s extremely dangerous as they will want nothing else but to meet in real life.”

Ivan Drago

Internet Warrior
He is just another in a long line of sad pathetic little men that get off on hurting women.

Ivan Drago

Internet Warrior
She is also a disgusting human being who I would actually rejoice in her bloody death, well she craves the attention of murdering filth right?