Serious The Forum Rules (Updated May 2023) (4 Viewers)

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Please read through our revamped RULES AND GUIDELINES. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the following rules, please PM a staff member or use the private staff contact thread or the public suggestions and questions forum.

It is every members responsibility to read and follow the rules. Ignorance is no excuse.

These rules notwithstanding, staff reserve the right to exercise personal discretion and ban a member for any reason, even if no specific rule has technically been violated. This right will generally only be exercised in extreme or very exceptional cases, and never as a matter of favoritism or vendetta.

> User Guidelines
> Content Guidelines
> Warnings and bannings

The 10 Forum Rules:

Goregrish is ADULTS ONLY (18+)

2) Videos or images of animal cruelty, child abuse or any underage nudity are strictly forbidden. We will act on users who upload any illegal material to our service.

Racism: Any content using "Inappropriate racial" words in thread titles or discussions will not be allowed outside FLH.

4) Do not defame or solicit any user with pedophilia insults or accusations. Instant ban.

5) Bestiality links, images, and videos are strictly forbidden.

6) Spamming or phishing accounts are strictly forbidden. Spamming or flooding user profiles, chat rooms, PMs, etc will result in your account being banned.

7) Keep the discussion on topic. Keep the bullshit in FLH. We will delete any inane posts that add nothing to the forum or encourage stupid shit.

8) All discussions must be written in English.

9) The posting of another member's personal information (PI) without their express consent is forbidden.

This includes (but is not limited to): real names, email addresses, telephone numbers, private messages, private instant messenger conversations, instant messenger screen names, and home addresses.

10) User signatures should follow these guidelines:
Font size no greater than 5 (BBCode).
No advertising/referral links in signatures. Non-malicious URL links to other websites are acceptable.
Image height /length at a respectable size, no more than 560x130. No huge images.

>For reference on signature size use this:

Screenshot from 2020-06-27 03-57-02.jpg

We appreciate the fact that our members are a tight-knit community and enjoy poking fun at one another. Provided those involved behave in a civil and tolerable manner, we welcome fun, jokes, wit, sarcasm, and all that good stuff. Personal arguments should be confined to private messages or F/L/H.

Goregrish is a privately owned, operated, and entirely FREE TO MEMBERS website. The persons involved with maintaining Goregrish in no way condone or encourage the harming of any living creature; we merely present reality. It is your choice to view the media and opinions hosted on this site. By registering with Goregrish, you have agreed to adhere to the above guidelines and also our terms of service.
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