animals Three "mostly peaceful" Pitbulls attack a woman (1 Viewer)

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Fuck Around, Find Out...
Wtf,??? Where's the ending and aftermath?.?????? I wanted to see the Ape-vs-Shitbull fight!!

I bet she beat the fuck out of those dogs. Shame the nigga didn’t let them munch on her
How the fk do you come to THAT conclusion..... she's being eaten alive by 3 dogs and not defending herself and too GODDAMN DUMB to jump the fence...... but you "bet she beat the fuck out of those dogs".... ?
Are we watching the same video???


Coincidently I too own 3 Pittbulls, and have raised the breed my entire life, never once have I had a problem. That’s not to say that they can’t be provoked because they can and have. More often than not I get people saying to me “Do they bite?” To which I answer, “Ya never know “ , and then like clockwork they reach out to pet them, and I think to myself are you people stupid? But I always give the same type of answer, because I know they are going to pet them anyway and if I tell you that I’m not sure if they will bite, or you never know, then whatever happens is on you.