Police Too much mayo!!! Die!!! (1 Viewer)

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Grand Mal Caesar


I was looking for girls names and faces photos. I didnt find anything.
Here is an article wit the name of the dead woman. "26-year-old Brittany Macon"
The shooter has been identified as "36-year-old Atlanta man". I wonder if he is related to "Florida Man".


Utter bastard
The worst I've done is throw the salad up the wall and over the slot machine when some dumb fucker put salad on my doner kebab when I asked for a doner with no salad.. I miss friday nights out in Leigh On Sea :lol:

Bill Murray

Forum Veteran
Rest assured that it wasn't Jared Fogle
He'd loaded up a young boy's buns with a different kind of mayo.

Why all this Subway slamming?
Because they're garbage.

Then you never had a good sandwich
Locally two of the best are from The Italian Centre Shoppe or Spolumbos. Good fresh bread, loaded with excellent sausage and cheese....yummy! I could go for one right now.

The worst I've done is throw the salad up the wall and over the slot machine when some dumb fucker put salad on my doner kebab when I asked for a doner with no salad.. I miss friday nights out in Leigh On Sea :lol:
I've thrown a plate at a waiter's head because of his shit service throughout the evening and an incredibly rude comment he made about one of the other people at the table. Probably a good thing it didn't connect.
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