Travis Alexander Case - DISCUSS IT HERE! (4 Viewers)

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Premium Member Bitches!
I am so in the oblivious zone because my list of ignore is growing.

Thank you dear goregrish admins.

High school bullshit makes me tired with it's useless waste of energy.

The only way we could avoid another jury selection is if the prosecution would take the death penalty off the table.

Wonder if Martinez is considering this.


My gift to you, a Nightmare of terror
Here is the problem I have with this thread, it WAS ONCE a thread about Travis Alexander and the crazy bitch who killed him. Now I am lost. When did we start talking about shit I can't understand? Is Jodi going to prison forever or the chair? I came here to check up on what was going on with the jury but no I have to read a whole bunch of shit about fighting cunts and shit like that. Someone told me that the first jury could not decide if she should live or die. Will they pick another jury to figure it out? I would like to see her fucking fry. If Travis had done this to HER instead, he would already be awaiting his day in the chair. I read some story about a 18 year old girl who was having a love affair with a 14 year old girl and everyone is all up in arms about why she got arrested. Why the fuck do people think that just because a girl does a man's job that she should not have the same punishment. Jodi should go straight to the chair, ZZZAAAAAPPPPP! Problem solved. Well, now that I have said my peace you can all go back to your Tom Fuckery, have a nice day.....NM :p


Forum Veteran
It wouldnt be the chair, and its not decided. A mistrial was declared but only for the penalty phase. It snow up to the prosecutor. Either they drop death as an option and the judge says life with parole in 25, or life no parole. Its undecided, but only a jury can execute her.

And yeah, if a person of legal age gets turned in to police for fucking a person under age, the law is the law! The younger girls parents called the police, and i would too. In fact, not pressing charges would be discrimination against heterosexual people.


*I Squirt Blonde*
I am so in the oblivious zone because my list of ignore is growing.

Thank you dear goregrish admins.

High school bullshit makes me tired with it's useless waste of energy.

The only way we could avoid another jury selection is if the prosecution would take the death penalty off the table.

Wonder if Martinez is considering this.

Yes thank you thank you dear gorerish admins/ lily can move forward with her life on here.


Medication time
Here is the problem I have with this thread, it WAS ONCE a thread about Travis Alexander and the crazy bitch who killed him. Now I am lost. When did we start talking about shit I can't understand? Is Jodi going to prison forever or the chair? I came here to check up on what was going on with the jury but no I have to read a whole bunch of shit about fighting cunts and shit like that. Someone told me that the first jury could not decide if she should live or die. Will they pick another jury to figure it out? I would like to see her fucking fry. If Travis had done this to HER instead, he would already be awaiting his day in the chair. I read some story about a 18 year old girl who was having a love affair with a 14 year old girl and everyone is all up in arms about why she got arrested. Why the fuck do people think that just because a girl does a man's job that she should not have the same punishment. Jodi should go straight to the chair, ZZZAAAAAPPPPP! Problem solved. Well, now that I have said my peace you can all go back to your Tom Fuckery, have a nice day.....NM :p
You can thank all of the bored housewives who were incapable of listening to the constant warnings to stay the fuck on topic for getting this thread flushed to F/L/H where it is now a thread meant for telling them how big of a dumb cunt they are. You're welcome.


Forum Veteran
This makes me feel better.

VIDEO | Former deputy warden in AZ discusses Perryville and the fate that awaits convicted murderer Jodi Arias.

Oh, god. I hope she knows....i mean REALLY knows...the things she is planning are impossible. That video made me pity her. I wouldnt help her if i could, she deserves what she gets, but as a human i feel the lowest, most degrading emotion of all for her, raw pity. She's enjoying her time in the spotlight, but this is the end of it. When the realization that she can't change anything, nobody is going to help her, and America has forgotten she even exists, it will be soul crushing.

Have any of you folks dealt with a borderline? I know that disorder as well as a human can. At its core, its a starvation for validation. She will never have that again. All borderlines have a fear of being abandoned, and she will be. They have ridiculous emotional expectations of any person they know, and even the people who love her cannot deliver what she wants no matter how hard they try, and nobody will ever try at all in prison. They're minds crave crisis. If there is none, they create one. She will be alone in her cell, her brain manufacturing reasons for her to panic. They are prone to juvenile, unfounded outbursts that strangers dont understand, and in there it will get her hurt or killed. They live in the past. In her mind it will forever be that murder, that trial. A world of ghosts. There's only one form of psychological treatment that helps a borderline, and she will not receive it. Half of the treatments sole focus is to prevent one thing...



Medication time
Oh, god. I hope she knows....i mean REALLY knows...the things she is planning are impossible. That video made me pity her. I wouldnt help her if i could, she deserves what she gets, but as a human i feel the lowest, most degrading emotion of all for her, raw pity. She's enjoying her time in the spotlight, but this is the end of it. When the realization that she can't change anything, nobody is going to help her, and America has forgotten she even exists, it will be soul crushing.

Have any of you folks dealt with a borderline? I know that disorder as well as a human can. At its core, its a starvation for validation. She will never have that again. All borderlines have a fear of being abandoned, and she will be. They have ridiculous emotional expectations of any person they know, and even the people who love her cannot deliver what she wants no matter how hard they try, and nobody will ever try at all in prison. They're minds crave crisis. If there is none, they create one. She will be alone in her cell, her brain manufacturing reasons for her to panic. They are prone to juvenile, unfounded outbursts that strangers dont understand, and in there it will get her hurt or killed. They live in the past. In her mind it will forever be that murder, that trial. A world of ghosts. There's only one form of psychological treatment that helps a borderline, and she will not receive it. Half of the treatments sole focus is to prevent one thing...

My mother has BPD and I can't begin to explain the hell she put me through until I was taken from her. I will never have contact with her because I know it would just set me up to be hurt again. I got out of the mental health field with the exception of limited work with addicts because I had too many dealings with borderlines including being stalked by a female BPD patient.
I can only imagine the shit she did to Travis in her quest to manipulate and hold onto him. BPD's see people as either all good or all bad there is no in between. You are right, when reality sets in and she isn't getting attention anymore she is going fucking lose what's left of her mind.


Forum Veteran
Yes she was diagnosed by one of the psychologists who evaluated her.

I read it in an article i would gladly link, but it was a while back.

My mother is borderline too. That's why I know anything about it at all. I know your pain, and wish i had the heart to do the same. If youd ever like to chat about it, I'd like that. I'd rather discuss it in pm, but im curious what you know about dielectic behavior therapy or maybe even tried it?


I am just gonna pretend its a hot lil chippy and not some Mexican bull dyke, but it looks as though shes been munching rugs in there. Sorry if it was posted already, i combed back a few pages and gave up sifting the discussion from the garbage...