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Eric Blair

Drop acid, and then bombs. ✌️+❤️=🤯
why are they being drafted when the united states is sending them a billion dollars in aid on a weekly bases? maybe one billion a week isnt enough. should we send more aid then? im just scraping by now as it is. ill become homeless for YET another useless cause the united states govt got us into. sure.... why not!
The money we send them is a nothing and we need to help more yes. This isn’t just about Ukraine to you small minded provincial prick!

What about Ukrainian women?
Omg I saw a BEAUTIFUL soldier, a woman, who is a sniper that unfortunately stepped on a Russian mine.

25-year-old Ukrainian sniper Anastasiia Savka, call sign “Phoenix”

Here is here picture:



She is apparently wants to continue to serve after she is healed. I’d like to think I have such bravery when the time came to take up arms but I’ll never know until it happens. She is doing it for real!
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silent ghost
The money we send them is a nothing and we need to help more yes. This isn’t just about Ukraine to you small minded provincial prick!

Omg I saw a BEAUTIFUL soldier, a woman, who is a sniper that unfortunately stepped on a Russian mine.

25-year-old Ukrainian sniper Anastasiia Savka, call sign “Phoenix”

Here is here picture:
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She is apparently wants to continue to serve after she is healed. I’d like to think I have such bravery when the time came to take up arms but I’ll never know until it happens. She is doing it for real!
arent we a liberal cock sucker...

Eric Blair

Drop acid, and then bombs. ✌️+❤️=🤯
arent we a liberal cock sucker...
No im an internationalist cocksucker who thinks, like Thomas Jefferson did, that America has a duty and should use its power to help spread democracy and Enlightment ideals and help those in countries that want these things. If the Ukrainians want to fight for their home and for a more western way of life then we should help them. Have a sense of history you tribal provincial paranoid.


silent ghost
No im an internationalist cocksucker who thinks, like Thomas Jefferson did, that America has a duty and should use its power to help spread democracy and Enlightment ideals and help those in countries that want these things. If the Ukrainians want to fight for their home and for a more western way of life then we should help them. Have a sense of history you tribal provincial paranoid.
help?!? we've been doing everyfucking thing but pull the trigger ourselves! i'm all for helping when needed. but enough is enough now. whose guna help us with our border fiasco? the influx of illegals and no where to place them or keep them "going". other than biden giving them free shit that WE - YOU AND I,YOUR PARENTS have to work for. now im seeing biden wants to tap into the social security the seniors use now,to take care of these free loaders. and forget about you or i collecting that when it comes time for us to retire. its bad enough reagan and bush tapped into it. all the while it was a fund set up by the Roosevelt administration for people to use when they retire. AND it wasnt supposed to be touched by the govt. so remember this when you go to retire and see if ukraine is going to help out with money for your or anyone elses' social security funds. because i dont see ukraine paying all that cash back or replenish all the weaponry weve sent. its all coming out of yours,your parents and my pockets.

and im not paranoid. your just too free to let the govt hand out what is ours.


Being a man in Ukraine now it's like constantly living in the MadMax movie. Ukro men have to be alert, cautious and on a survival mode 24/7. They have to avoid by all means being kidnapped by military drafters and sent to the war as a cannon fodder.

First video is from the outdoor camera catches the moment when several Ukrainian men were lucky to escape and hide from the military drafters who were chasing them down the street. The guy in the bicycle is the military drafter who under the guise of the local villager roams the streets looking for the men to kidnap.
Some Ukrop men chose different way to survive. They dress as a woman and use make up hoping that drafter wouldn't recognize them as dick possessing persons.
The sixth video
This naive guy though that if he changed his name to the something like 70-80 letter long sentence the military recruiters wouldn't bother writing his name on the documents and leave him alone. Wrong and stupid. Soon he will be given a short version of his name and be sent to the war.

The survival mode of the Ukro men is understandable because everybody wants to live and nobody wants to become into this.
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Had this song playing in my head during the first vid 😂😂