Ukrainian Trans women have said they can't leave Ukraine because all of their identification document say "Male" (2 Viewers)

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Yer can Bollocks M8
Well I guess he had better learn awful quick which end of a weapon to point at the enemy. I always said that we needed a fucking good old fashioned war to sort this Trans bollocks out!


We are Kings
I made a passport that can be used to access any number of EU/NATO aligned countries around the Ukraine.



Such is life
I don’t give a duck what a person is male female trans or whatever as long as they ain’t a cunt and don’t expect me to jump them 😂👍


Forum Veteran
They have the opportunity to stand up and fight and be counted among the heroes of Ukraine. But instead they just show themselves up.
Maybe we'll get lucky and when the Ukrainians throw another fag parade the Russians'll bomb the shit out of it and these creatures will be in attendance. With them guarding the degenerate festival with military and police thanks to the average Ukrainian not wanting that immoral deviance anywhere near their home it's a genuinely valuable target despite the proponents doing the work of destroying Ukraine better than the Russians ever could.
They won't tell you that this is the neo nazi azov Ukrainian army scared and running, the ncaa will come thru for the save and put them on the net swimming team tryouts