US Democratic Party in panic after Biden’s performance in debate. (1 Viewer)

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ATLANTA — President Joe Biden was supposed to put the nation’s mind at ease over his physical and mental capacity with his debate showing Thursday night.

But from the onset of the debate, the 81-year-old seemingly struggled even to talk, mostly summoning a weak, raspy voice. In the opening minutes, the president repeatedly tripped over his words, misspoke and lost his train of thought.

In one of the most notable moments, Biden ended a rambling statement that lacked focus by saying, “We finally beat Medicare,” before moderators cut him off and transitioned back to Trump.

While Biden warmed up and gained more of a rhythm as the debate progressed, he struggled to land a punch against Trump, much less fact-check everything said by the former president, as Trump unleashed a torrent of bad information.

Trump also pounced on Biden, saying at one point that he didn’t understand what Biden had just said with regard to the border.

“I don’t know if he knows what he said either,” Trump said.

Nearly an hour into the debate, a Biden aide and others familiar with his situation offered up an explanation for the president’s hoarseness: He has a cold.

But there were problems aside from the shakiness of Biden's voice. When he wasn't talking, he often stared off into the distance. Trump frequently steamrolled over Biden, accusing him of being a criminal and for peddling misinformation — many times without a response from Biden, though the president did fire back with a handful of one-liners throughout.

The Biden campaign acknowledged that the debate would be a critical moment in the election, with officials hoping it could shake up the race to the president’s benefit. Most polls have found the race to be neck and neck, with razor-thin margins that have moved negligibly for months, even after a New York jury found Trump guilty on 34 felony counts.

Questions about Biden’s age and frailty have dragged down his polling numbers for months. The public concerns are exacerbated by deceptively edited videos, some of which have gone viral, that cut off relevant portions of an event, making it appear as if Biden is wandering or confused. This was Biden’s first opportunity since the State of the Union speech to dispel that narrative.

Instead of a new beginning, many Democrats saw it as a moment for panic.

“Democrats just committed collective suicide,” said one party strategist who has worked on presidential campaigns. “Biden sounds hoarse, looks tired and is babbling. He is reaffirming everything voters already perceived. President Biden can’t win. This debate is a nail in the political coffin.“

“It’s hard to argue that we shouldn’t nominate someone else,” a Democratic consultant who works on down-ballot races added. Biden did ramp up as the debate progressed.

“Only one of us is a convicted felon, and I’m looking at him,” Biden said to Trump. That was one moment that tested particularly well in the Biden campaign's internal real-time polling at the time of the debate, according to a person familiar.

A Biden aide said that it was “not an ideal start” for the president at the beginning of the debate, but that there was “no mass panic” at the campaign headquarters in Delaware.

The muting of the candidates' microphones at the debate, a stipulation agreed to before the debate by both campaigns, added a new dimension to the face-off. The first Biden-Trump match-up in 2020 was marked by repeated interruptions by Trump, leading to moments of frustration for Biden.

From left wing NBC.


Bill Murray

Forum Veteran
The best thing for the DNC to happen now is for Biden to drop dead by the end of July. Polish up that bronzed turd Newsom and name him as the Democrat candidate.

I watched a bit of the post debate analysis on CNN and was actually amazed by the honesty of Van Jones. He actually admitted that Biden shit the bed. But that miserable kike David Axelrod insisted that Biden performed well. Really?

this is elder abuse
Is vegetable abuse a crime?


The best thing for the DNC to happen now is for Biden to drop dead by the end of July. Polish up that bronzed turd Newsom and name him as the Democrat candidate.

I watched a bit of the post debate analysis on CNN and was actually amazed by the honesty of Van Jones. He actually admitted that Biden shit the bed. But that miserable kike David Axelrod insisted that Biden performed well. Really?

Is vegetable abuse a crime?
Van said it best “One Shouldn’t Be President (Joe) And The Other Can’t Be President”


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold

The best thing for the DNC to happen now is for Biden to drop dead by the end of July. Polish up that bronzed turd Newsom and name him as the Democrat candidate.

I watched a bit of the post debate analysis on CNN and was actually amazed by the honesty of Van Jones. He actually admitted that Biden shit the bed. But that miserable kike David Axelrod insisted that Biden performed well. Really?

Is vegetable abuse a crime?
He's a criminal. The whole mental failing thing is a show to get him out of paying for his many, many treasonous acts.
Fuck him.
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Bill Murray

Forum Veteran
The whole mental failing thing is a show to get him out of paying for his many, many treasonous acts.
Fuck him.
No, I'm fairly certain its legit and he's got a bowl of mashed peas for a brain. But yes, fuck him

She's such a nasty piece of shit.

This whore should go back to something she'd good at because acting sure as shit a skill of hers.


No, I'm fairly certain its legit and he's got a bowl of mashed peas for a brain. But yes, fuck him

This whore should go back to something she'd good at because acting sure as shit a skill of hers.
This proliferation of AI provides an unparalleled opportunity for state actors to use deepfakes for national security purposes. Deepfakes have become irresistible to democratic governments.

Even researchers have suggested that “It will not be long before major democracies, including the United States, to start or at least consider using deepfakes to achieve their ends, if they have not already done so."


Forum Veteran
This proliferation of AI provides an unparalleled opportunity for state actors to use deepfakes for national security purposes. Deepfakes have become irresistible to democratic governments.

Even researchers have suggested that “It will not be long before major democracies, including the United States, to start or at least consider using deepfakes to achieve their ends, if they have not already done so."
I dont think even a deepfake could make joe look that fucking stupid


Forum Veteran

ATLANTA — President Joe Biden was supposed to put the nation’s mind at ease over his physical and mental capacity with his debate showing Thursday night.

But from the onset of the debate, the 81-year-old seemingly struggled even to talk, mostly summoning a weak, raspy voice. In the opening minutes, the president repeatedly tripped over his words, misspoke and lost his train of thought.

In one of the most notable moments, Biden ended a rambling statement that lacked focus by saying, “We finally beat Medicare,” before moderators cut him off and transitioned back to Trump.

While Biden warmed up and gained more of a rhythm as the debate progressed, he struggled to land a punch against Trump, much less fact-check everything said by the former president, as Trump unleashed a torrent of bad information.

Trump also pounced on Biden, saying at one point that he didn’t understand what Biden had just said with regard to the border.

“I don’t know if he knows what he said either,” Trump said.

Nearly an hour into the debate, a Biden aide and others familiar with his situation offered up an explanation for the president’s hoarseness: He has a cold.

But there were problems aside from the shakiness of Biden's voice. When he wasn't talking, he often stared off into the distance. Trump frequently steamrolled over Biden, accusing him of being a criminal and for peddling misinformation — many times without a response from Biden, though the president did fire back with a handful of one-liners throughout.

The Biden campaign acknowledged that the debate would be a critical moment in the election, with officials hoping it could shake up the race to the president’s benefit. Most polls have found the race to be neck and neck, with razor-thin margins that have moved negligibly for months, even after a New York jury found Trump guilty on 34 felony counts.

Questions about Biden’s age and frailty have dragged down his polling numbers for months. The public concerns are exacerbated by deceptively edited videos, some of which have gone viral, that cut off relevant portions of an event, making it appear as if Biden is wandering or confused. This was Biden’s first opportunity since the State of the Union speech to dispel that narrative.

Instead of a new beginning, many Democrats saw it as a moment for panic.

“Democrats just committed collective suicide,” said one party strategist who has worked on presidential campaigns. “Biden sounds hoarse, looks tired and is babbling. He is reaffirming everything voters already perceived. President Biden can’t win. This debate is a nail in the political coffin.“

“It’s hard to argue that we shouldn’t nominate someone else,” a Democratic consultant who works on down-ballot races added. Biden did ramp up as the debate progressed.

“Only one of us is a convicted felon, and I’m looking at him,” Biden said to Trump. That was one moment that tested particularly well in the Biden campaign's internal real-time polling at the time of the debate, according to a person familiar.

A Biden aide said that it was “not an ideal start” for the president at the beginning of the debate, but that there was “no mass panic” at the campaign headquarters in Delaware.

The muting of the candidates' microphones at the debate, a stipulation agreed to before the debate by both campaigns, added a new dimension to the face-off. The first Biden-Trump match-up in 2020 was marked by repeated interruptions by Trump, leading to moments of frustration for Biden.

From left wing NBC.

View attachment 796076
Those faggot lib dem pos's threw that old senile dude TO THE WOLVES.....INTENTIONALLY. Last night they were with him, KNOWING that after he fucked up the debate they were going to shit on his head. Lowly cocksuckers. Trump 2024 ALL DAY LONG, but that was some lowdown shit that the left had planned for a sick old man.

Here it comes, they're gonna pull him. Don't let the news fool you with their "shocked" reviews of Pedo Pete's performance, as if they just tonight noticed he's not fit to run. That's bullshit, this has been planned for a while.

View attachment 796118

______________________________ 2:54am

She's such a nasty piece of shit.

Such bullshit. They put Biden on KNOWING HE WOULD SCREW THE POOCH. They've been planning this. He either hit a home run and they'd run with em, or more likely he would prove what they wanted him to prove, that he's out to lunch and in comes Newsom. BET! THEY SHAT ON BIDENS HEAD.
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cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
:rofl: :lulz::rofl:

Such bullshit. They put Biden on KNOWING HE WOULD SCREW THE POOCH. They've been planning this. He either hit a home run and they'd run with em, or more likely he would prove what they wanted him to prove, that he's out to lunch and in comes Newsom. BET! THEY SHAT ON BIDENS HEAD.

Of course it was planned. Newsome was there last night doing photo ops in the green room, so that tells ya something. Then he went on camera and said what a good job Mr. Potato head did.
They only have 4 months to get him out, after the DNC, they're stuck. He is refusing to step down so far, which works better for President Trump cause everyone clearly sees what a dumpster fire the potato is.

Grab some popcorn and kick back, the show is fixin to interesting.
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