US Democratic Party in panic after Biden’s performance in debate. (3 Viewers)

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cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
This is the Biden from last night.
At the little after party.
His ear looks funny.


That kinda looks like 60 year old joe compared to 83 year old joe in fairness

No it doesn't.

Grand Mal Caesar

:rofl: :lulz::rofl:

Of course it was planned. Newsome was there last night doing photo ops in the green room, so that tells ya something. Then he went on camera and said what a good job Mr. Potato head did.
They only have 4 months to get him out, after the DNC, they're stuck. He is refusing to step down so far, which works better for President Trump cause everyone clearly sees what a dumpster fire the potato is.

Grab some popcorn and kick back, the show is fixin to interesting.

He's much more than a dumpster fire. Dumpster fires are nowhere near as serious as people think they are. As far as fires go, dumpster fires are quite lackluster. It's just burning trash that no one cares about and the only real consequence of most dumpster fires is that the refuse contractor will need to repaint their dumpster. Other than that, bo-ring.


Forum Veteran
He's much more than a dumpster fire. Dumpster fires are nowhere near as serious as people think they are. As far as fires go, dumpster fires are quite lackluster. It's just burning trash that no one cares about and the only real consequence of most dumpster fires is that the refuse contractor will need to repaint their dumpster. Other than that, bo-ring.

Does anyone really care about old Joe?


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
He's much more than a dumpster fire. Dumpster fires are nowhere near as serious as people think they are. As far as fires go, dumpster fires are quite lackluster. It's just burning trash that no one cares about and the only real consequence of most dumpster fires is that the refuse contractor will need to repaint their dumpster. Other than that, bo-ring.
Yes Dear.
I'll refrain from using dumpster fire as an adjective from this moment forward.


Eric Blair

Drop acid, and then bombs. ✌️+❤️=🤯
They both the same, Israel is in charge anywa!!!!
No if Israel was in charge the West Bank would be annexed into Israel.

I haven’t watched it yet because apparently CNN forbade people to stream it so the political YT channels I’d watch then react, I can’t do that with this debate. I did see a few minutes of clips though and it was so cringeworthy and chill inducing that I’m putting watching it in full off.

I wish the leftists would stop taking about democracy since they know nothing about it.
What do you mean by that?