Vivisection of a Pregnant Woman: Unit 731 (2 Viewers)

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Unit 731 (731部隊), was a covert biological warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army led by the infamous Japanese microbiologist Shiro Ishii, that undertook thousands of human experiments on prisoners of war that were due for execution during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) and World War II.

There are a couple of threads on it dotted around the forum, but I couldn't find any with this picture.

This woman was infected with Syphilis on purpose and then given a vivisection. As you can see she was pregnant.



The unit in charge of these experiments were given immunity to persecution for war crimes.
I guess since they knew they could just do whatever the fuck they want, they got a little carried away.
Sadly I am assuming they would just tell soldiers that complained "if you don't like it, then fuck off".


Recovering Lurker
It's scary that the men behind Unit 731 would later help America out in the Cold War with further study of biological weapons. If Hollywood and fictional stories had any say, the scientists would be punished and the discoveries they made would be thrown out the trash because it would "unethical" and to be the better man.


Crusty piss fenders
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there’s a movie they made about this unit under the same name “ Unit 731”, they somewhat showcased the kind of “experiments” they did. Watched it a few years back. Definitely worth a watch

Charles Bliss

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Shiro Ishii made Josef Mengele look like a rank amateur. Ishii had been doing sick shit to the Chinese since the early 30's when Japan first invaded China. It was also lovely of the Americans to scoop him up and give him immunity for his knowledge, even after he experimented on US servicemen. USA! USA!


The unit in charge of these experiments were given immunity to persecution for war crimes.
I guess since they knew they could just do whatever the fuck they want, they got a little carried away.
Sadly I am assuming they would just tell soldiers that complained "if you don't like it, then fuck off".
However, how would they know they would be granted immunity until after it was all said and done


That's a beautiful gory old photo of a pregnant woman cut open post-mortem. Other than that, cool story bro. Look at how many people believed you without question. Make up another one.