accident *Warning* Kid Having Fun On The Job (1 Viewer)

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Master Baiter..... 🎣🎣🎣
The kid looked possessed. I don't think he will survive that blow to his noggin.
Kids are tough little fuckers, when I was about 14 I had a motorbike a Honda CR250 and I was riding it with a passenger on the back so probably about 200kg in weight and as i accelerated a kid about 4 or 5 ran straight in front of me and I hit him with the front wheel which was about a foot of the ground and the back wheel went straight over him....

I thought for sure he would be dead or seriously injured and by the time I had slowed down and turned around he was up and running and I went to check on him and he was absolutely fine, he just had a tyre impression on his arm 😁

Another time on a big farm quad a tiny little dog ran out of a garden and chased me and the stupid fucker tried biting the back wheel and ended up under it and afterwards it just jumped up and ran back in to the garden absolutely fine lol

Crazy what the body can take to be fair 🤷‍♂️


Asshole forum veteran
I may be wrong but did she not know she was in a car shop? Or at the very least a place with DANGEROUS TOOLS and or DANGEROUS EQUIPMENT!? Was she not aware of her surroundings???? FFS being a parent means KEEPING YOUR LITTLE SHITS …. I mean kids Away from DANGER and DANGEROUS equipment!!! so instead of making him behave for a few minutes until she was done doing whatever and making him like sit down in that chair RIGHT NEXT TO HER she lets him do whatever he wants because it’s easer . And he got hurt so how is she NOT responsible for this again ?


Forum Veteran
Crotch-pheasant!? What the hell is that!? It's called a Groin-Grub.

Groin-Grub... lol. 😂


95T exp
Stupid Bitch mom...that's why kids shouldn't be allowed to act like everything is their playground.
I agree although the 3rd world must be difficult place to be brought up in...

Nevertheless - that boy is now a pudding...


Gimme sum more gore
Ok everyone needs to calm down. That kid wasn't acting crazy or out of hand. And since there is no audio we have no idea if she told him to stop. It happened so fast. I dont see a bad mother here. And I want to see all of your robot children who do exactly what they are supposed to at all times.

If he'd have been acting out of control I'd feel completely differently, but in the video he is quite literally just being a child.
She shouldn't have even fucking had him there in the first place! Totally her fault