What's the most disturbing video you've ever come across? (3 Viewers)

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It’s gotta be the video of the homeless man sitting on the sidewalk with poop soup violently bubbling out of the back of his pants. It’s broad daylight on a busy street and the cameraman zooms in on the popping greenish/ yellow bubbles as he sits and watches the cars go by.


The one that sticks with me is the one where a Drug Cartels Goons,had this poor bastard on the floor...They had removed his hands and feet,which were tied off,of course,for length of his horrific torture;(can't hv Him bleeding out),His fkn face had been sliced right the fuck-off(a live version of Skeletor);So as he's lying there on this kitchen floor,they decide to finish him off with a combination of a sickle type blade,and an exacto knife...As they start cutting his head off,with the sickle,he's reaching up to stop the attack,but with no fkn hands,u kinda get it right,and no fkn feet,so he can't get up and run...While cutting into his throat of course u hear that fkn creepy air escaping with the blood gurgling,and his screaming all mixed together...it fucked me up...Especially when goon switches to the exacto knife and starts on the neck,then the victim bites on the fkn blade in a feeble attempt to stop the attack,which in turn only pisses off the goons...the attack went on for like three mins,then just stops b4 they killed that poor fkr...Worst one to date !!! SP
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This is the worst I have ever seen, I am out of here no more of this shit for me.


Forum Veteran
You place cats lives ahead of men,women and children? And you call him an asshole?
I find that strange.
That because you're a fucking idiot who thinks a human life is somehow more precious than some other living being. And it's the more innocent a life that is more valuable. Fucking pussfag. God I love seeing people like you suffer.

I agree wino, I don’t understand that either.. seems rather backwards..
Fucking moron. Why the fuck would the life of a human be any more special than any other. Makes me sick to know that people can be so fucking stupid.
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Just as the title states, is there any video you've come across that has stuck with you for a while? ?

While it's not gory per-say, more along the lines of torture, but the most disturbing video I've stumbled across depicts a corrupt doctor pulling out a child's teeth without any anesthesia, couldn't have been older than 8 or 9. Screams were horrific, and I couldn't manage to finish the video. Disgusting.
The video posted on here where a small boy was trapped between the interior elevator grate and the outside door. Watching him get crushed and that last flap of scalp that got squeezed through the narrow opening has stayed with me. Not a drop of blood.


Forum Veteran
When I was a kid, I went on MIRC and saw some non gore things that have haunted me to this day. It was pornography of a certain kind. At the time I didn’t know any better, but looking back I wish I had never seen those things. Those things have never left me.

if I’m lucky, I can go years without thinking about them. But sometimes something will jar my memory open and I think about them again. :(
I feel u. I avoid any vids that sound too fucked up for that reason. I'll check the responses 1st. I know that once an image is in there...it never leaves. Brrrrr.

There was one that was allegedly an organ harvesting lab, it looked like a concrete lab and a little girl was crying walking around trying to hug people but they were busy apparently getting the table ready for her?
Wtf?! Damn we deserve all the fucked up shit we get. That we as a species are capable of these horrific things....we're evil things.

For me, as Im a Druid, I just cant wrap my head around how someone can torture anything innocent. Like kids or animals. Grown folks....Well i have no issue with it, but never the innocent.
To end the life of the most innocent of things is the greatest 'sin' and the thing you pay the highest price for after death.

I think mine was the one with the cartel & the dogs that had already removed the dude’s dick, but continued slowly peeling his skin off & licking his wound. That really fucked up my nervous system. I cursed out my friend for sending it to me but I was too intrigued not to watch it to the end! Fuck!
You'll NEVER unsee that shit.

How can it be too disturbing?This isn't no CGI folks,why complain?If you can't handle animals,infants and children,that's a sign your not too far gone.You still have "feelings"In reality,once you've exposed your brain to the madness,there's no turning back...We're no different then the common asshole,that walks down the street.
Yes you are different. You're fucking disgusting. Your kind need to be taken out to the woods and given your own 'treatment'. Babies? U fucking sorry excuse for a person. Smh.

This is not it but...... o wel look for yourself
Nope. Not looking. Some things u can't unsee that cause unhealthy wounds to throw soul.

Nobody has anaesthesia for a tooth extraction, well not in UK anyway. Most people, myself included, don't have anaesthesia for a filling. Root canal work yes...that is different. But for a tooth extraction, you will be hard pushed to find a real dentist that will give an anaesthetic.
Wtf!? 3rd world shit right there. So glad 2 b an American. 🇺🇸😏🤘🤙✌️
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Forum Veteran
Nobody has anaesthesia for a tooth extraction, well not in UK anyway. Most people, myself included, don't have anaesthesia for a filling. Root canal work yes...that is different. But for a tooth extraction, you will be hard pushed to find a real dentist that will give an anaesthetic.
Wtf!? 3rd world shit right there. So glad 2 b an American. 🇺🇸😏🤘🤙✌️
And watching kids here getting killed is perfectly fine?
No. It's not. Only the most disgusting watch those.

I'm going to be VERY CLEAR. IF anyone asks for CP..like Daisy's destruction OR SENDS LINKS .. YOU WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY BANNED..

GTFO with that bullshit.
Thank you very much.✌️🤙🤘


-Pictures of the Jeffrey Dahmer victims
-Dneptopresk (Russian eye and brain stabbing victim)
-And that koo-koo clock necropohile Luke Magnotta who killed cats, then his male fling, and then fucked him up the ass , and then mailed his foot to a government official. Sick, sick, sick
Where did u find the dahmer victims?


Forum Veteran
Just as the title states, is there any video you've come across that has stuck with you for a while? ?

While it's not gory per-say, more along the lines of torture, but the most disturbing video I've stumbled across depicts a corrupt doctor pulling out a child's teeth without any anesthesia, couldn't have been older than 8 or 9. Screams were horrific, and I couldn't manage to finish the video. Disgusting.
That's like the tonsil one! Oh, god, that actually made me squeamish as all hell!


I have seen it before on GoreDB.
I agree with you on this one,its a very hard watch.
The sick Bastard started off by posting short video clips,I think the first one was him torturing the mother.
The following day he started posting clips of him doing the same to a couple of puppies.
His final clip was the full on Horrific torture of all the pups,he even showed what the Sick Fuck did to them to the poor mother,he then proceeds to go Absolute ApeShit on the poor mother dog.
I couldn't believe what I was watching.
Reading one of the comments on that y/tube clip,it states that he has killed between 200-250 dogs over several years.
Apperently the day after his prosecution his house was burned to the ground by locals pissed by what the Sick Fuck had done.
Im fine with beheading and all the other gruesome shit,but shit like that aint my bag.
Definately something amiss with the chemicals in this Areholes brain,I hope he gets raped to fuck inside.


This user was banned
over they years of searching for the worst videos I could possibly find I've come across videos that plauge me. I had no limit nothing of out of bounds. I've seen it all you could say not just gore. I've seen Daisy destruction all 4 parts. but there's a video that's rumored to still be out there called Cindy's demise. apparently it was made by the same man. I have the aftermath pictures from it I would share but it would probably be to much for this cite
would you mind sending them to me? on instagram if you can i’ll send u my @ ive been dying to see them


Forum Veteran
Those teenage soldiers in Dagestan being executed by Chechens. My first vid and that always stays with you (disturbing) but the ultimate is the Mexican chainsaw vid


The Yorkshire ripper
The one that sticks with me is the one where a Drug Cartels Goons,had this poor bastard on the floor...They had removed his hands and feet,which were tied off,of course,for length of his horrific torture;(can't hv Him bleeding out),His fkn face had been sliced right the fuck-off(a live version of Skeletor);So as he's lying there on this kitchen floor,they decide to finish him off with a combination of a sickle type blade,and an exacto knife...As they start cutting his head off,with the sickle,he's reaching up to stop the attack,but with no fkn hands,u kinda get it right,and no fkn feet,so he can't get up and run...While cutting into his throat of course u hear that fkn creepy air escaping with the blood gurgling,and his screaming all mixed together...it fucked me up...Especially when goon switches to the exacto knife and starts on the neck,then the victim bites on the fkn blade in a feeble attempt to stop the attack,which in turn only pisses off the goons...the attack went on for like three mins,then just stops b4 they killed that poor fkr...Worst one to date !!! SP
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Yeah this one here is pretty rough, my man was alive for the longest aswell,


The one that sticks with me is the one where a Drug Cartels Goons,had this poor bastard on the floor...They had removed his hands and feet,which were tied off,of course,for length of his horrific torture;(can't hv Him bleeding out),His fkn face had been sliced right the fuck-off(a live version of Skeletor);So as he's lying there on this kitchen floor,they decide to finish him off with a combination of a sickle type blade,and an exacto knife...As they start cutting his head off,with the sickle,he's reaching up to stop the attack,but with no fkn hands,u kinda get it right,and no fkn feet,so he can't get up and run...While cutting into his throat of course u hear that fkn creepy air escaping with the blood gurgling,and his screaming all mixed together...it fucked me up...Especially when goon switches to the exacto knife and starts on the neck,then the victim bites on the fkn blade in a feeble attempt to stop the attack,which in turn only pisses off the goons...the attack went on for like three mins,then just stops b4 they killed that poor fkr...Worst one to date !!! SP
View attachment 452448


Human Unit Never Killed
would you mind sending them to me? on instagram if you can i’ll send u my @ ive been dying to see them
I hope your whole fucking family dies. People like you shouldn’t be allowed to live.

over they years of searching for the worst videos I could possibly find I've come across videos that plauge me. I had no limit nothing of out of bounds. I've seen it all you could say not just gore. I've seen Daisy destruction all 4 parts. but there's a video that's rumored to still be out there called Cindy's demise. apparently it was made by the same man. I have the aftermath pictures from it I would share but it would probably be to much for this cite
You shouldn’t be proud of watching that type of filth friendo.


Well Known Member
would you mind sending them to me? on instagram if you can i’ll send u my @ ive been dying to see them
You deserve to have the shit kicked out of you faggot.

over they years of searching for the worst videos I could possibly find I've come across videos that plauge me. I had no limit nothing of out of bounds. I've seen it all you could say not just gore. I've seen Daisy destruction all 4 parts. but there's a video that's rumored to still be out there called Cindy's demise. apparently it was made by the same man. I have the aftermath pictures from it I would share but it would probably be to much for this cite
You sound almost proud of yourself disgusting faggot.


We are Kings
would you mind sending them to me? on instagram if you can i’ll send u my @ ive been dying to see them