Germany knife attack, 3 deaths (1 Viewer)

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Der Wolf

Long time dead but look forward the resurrection
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These Famas carbines should have been replaced a long time ago, the design is quite outdated
It was talked about maybe 2 years ago that the French Foreign Legion was replacing the Famas carbines with H&K416 carbines which would have been a good idea, but it doesn't seem to have happened.


Driving Roughshod
I’m confused. They already know they’re surrounded by islamic terrorists and this could happen every single day yet majority of these victims are never prepared to fight all they can do is scream.


Female Butt Inspector
I hate how everytime this happens somewhere in Western Europe, you see images of police and soldiers standing guard on the streets like its post-9/11, like some other random brown whackjob will pop out at the same time.