I think gore may be another addiction just like a drug. (1 Viewer)

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I'm not actually a "brain-dead" racist; The Goregrish is educational, as cringy as it sounds. I just absolutely hate the bottom spectrum of each race. White people just very rarely show up on it. That's my position if anyone fucking cares. Niggers are on the absolute bottom level.


Chẹẹƙy Ɓrịt Ɓịrɗ
Meh.. for me it became very repetitive after lurking for some months. The only contributions I watch completely nowadays are the war stuff because of technical interest.
Thanks to @Sarka and @SeekingReality for their great posts without propaganda shit.
And @mr_gutsy_ because he mostly puts a photo in his post so I don't need to watch the video to know what's up. ;):tu:
You are most welcome my friend, thank you!

I'm not actually a "brain-dead" racist; The Goregrish is educational, as cringy as it sounds. I just absolutely hate the bottom spectrum of each race. White people just very rarely show up on it. That's my position if anyone fucking cares. Niggers are on the absolute bottom level.
View attachment 585196
This has me rolling 😅


I exist
I came about gore out of morbid curiosity as well. Due to my sister showing me that staple website, rotten. But I stayed, enjoying the sight of human suffering. It brings me great joy in watching these foul creatures die and suffer horrifically under the circumstances they put themselves into. Idiots ignoring the obvious trains on the tracks, the trash taking themselves out in industrial accidents.


Gore prepared me for reality.

My colleague got crushed to death between two trucks and i states into his eyes when has last breath left His body.

His skull was crushed and blood was pouring out from every opening in his head.

Got myself a good nights sleep and worked the day efter (i work as a contractor and has to get some vehicles done)

I consider myself as a happy, life loving person, but his horrible death didn't bother me as much as it did to others.

My father has always told me the story when his colleague died, that also prepared me.

"Think about death" as it says when you enter old cemetaries here in Sweden. (Yes, living in Sweden made me a racist)


White is right. Keep the white race pure🫡
I'm pretty sure I came to gore out of pure curiosity, and now it's became just another addiction. By being shocked it must release some dopamine and that's what keeps me coming back. ThT and all the laughs I get from the comments. Plus I really like it when some nigger gets on here and starts trying to tell me what a racist POS I am. As you can plainly see from my name I'm a proud racist. 1488. But I confuse people with still having compassion. There like I don't get it . Well I don't either 🤷
Came here out of morbid curiosity, stayed for the awesome people on here (and not the ones In the videos) lol


Not an addiction to me. My interest in gore comes and goes. I think I was more curious and interested in gore in the past because gore use to be a novelty on the internet. But with smartphones, there's so much gore on the internet now. It's information overload.


Personally I wanted to fit in, in high school and be edgy and what seemed to be cool, and at the time it was watching gore shit. After that my reasoning was to feel the cringing/squeamish sensation you get inside when watching. Eventually that feeling for me went numb, so I started watching cringe videos on youtube which elicited similar sensation to watching gore videos. I would then flip flop between the two in the search for the that feeling. Yada yada eventually just grew out of watching it for a few years. But now I just enjoy watching to remind myself that the world is a pretty fucked up place.

Venture _Capitalist

situational awareness instructor
I'm pretty sure I came to gore out of pure curiosity, and now it's became just another addiction. By being shocked it must release some dopamine and that's what keeps me coming back. ThT and all the laughs I get from the comments. Plus I really like it when some nigger gets on here and starts trying to tell me what a racist POS I am. As you can plainly see from my name I'm a proud racist. 1488. But I confuse people with still having compassion. There like I don't get it . Well I don't either 🤷


Forum Veteran

Gore is no more a addiction than a loaf of bread.
Are EMTS, Doctors, ER workers, etc... addicted to live, broken, smashed, burned gore ?
Nor am I.
Human carnage is something that fascinates, terrifies, and is not for everyone.
But I and others simply have a curiosity to see it.

If you feel your addicted go to GA.


Virtual Insanity
I'm pretty sure I came to gore out of pure curiosity, and now it's became just another addiction. By being shocked it must release some dopamine and that's what keeps me coming back. ThT and all the laughs I get from the comments. Plus I really like it when some nigger gets on here and starts trying to tell me what a racist POS I am. As you can plainly see from my name I'm a proud racist. 1488. But I confuse people with still having compassion. There like I don't get it . Well I don't either 🤷
You need to go outside