Buffalo Market killer (1 Viewer)

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Embrace your race.
The shooting video ("Buffalo Shooting Video") is being posted all over Twitter now...Twitter has been taking the videos down...but it's being uploaded so much there, that they're unable to censor it.

Oddly...when that black guy ran over as many white people as he could during a Christmas parade, I don't recall Twitter taking down a single video of the event.

I wonder why?

Doesn't fit the MSM/jewish narrative
Prison society is racially polarized and segregated.

It's sharply divided, mainly between Whites, Negroes, and Hispanics...even to the point of having their own prison dining tables.

There's no such bullshit as "critical race theory" in prison society, new inmates instinctively fall in line with their racial identities.

This young man, Payton Gendron, has already "made his bones" so to speak and will be readily accepted into the Aryan Brotherhood in prison society.
Upon entering the prison system, he'll immediately have many comrades, be taken care of, protected, and "shown the ropes."

It's segregated on the east coast, but as far as I know, (never done prison time, only known friends who have) the east coast isn't as militant as the west coast is. His manifesto doesn't leave any wiggle room for his lawyers for defense.


Maybe he'd use a 'goose beak' for a better insight.

Download (6).jpg


Don't take what I say seriously...
There are pallets of baby formula at the border being given to illegals who cross the boarder. Mean while the citizens of this nation are having trouble finding baby formula. They are not saying it caused the shortage, but asking why is it there for illegals when citizens cannot get it. Tucker speaks the truth.
Is there something in this?


Well Known Member
Is a 'buffalo market' a shop where you can get this exquisite buffalo mozzarella?
I love it on white French bread with tomatoes and colored pepper/sprinkles of olive oil.
The Buffalo Market Killer, is that his official name? Being from central Canada, if I didn't know better I'd think he walked into a local meat store and shot a bunch of Natives.

Suicide Sheep

Gay ass chicken farmer.
That guy on 4chan claiming he has the full video is posting stills from the 6 min version. I have my doubts that he really has it, but I'm confused why some random kid would want anonymous "fame" on 4chan of all places..

I'm genuinely surprised that the full video hasn't been leaked yet. Heard about this a few days back in the news and I still haven't been able to find the video. Maybe I'm just some surface web noobie after all, but I generally find that the videos are easy to come across the moment I hear about them on the news, so it's weird why this isn't, I guess??

Also fuck that disgusting piece of shit. Good looking? Are you taking the mick...? He looks like the fucking definition of an inbred incel. Fuck off. What a fucking loser. Hope he fucking ends himself.


Anyone recall that spook who lit off a smoke bomb and killed people on the train in NY? Crazy how fast the news outlets quit reporting on it after they found out he was a spear chucker……get ready to hear about this story for months now that he was white……and it always involves the police and/Feds being involved because they previously had reports of the shitbag wanting to shoot up his school and they put him in a mental hospital for evaluation…..yet, he was able to purchase several firearms.


Well Known Member
I'm genuinely surprised that the full video hasn't been leaked yet. Heard about this a few days back in the news and I still haven't been able to find the video. Maybe I'm just some surface web noobie after all, but I generally find that the videos are easy to come across the moment I hear about them on the news, so it's weird why this isn't, I guess??
It's been on TheYnc for two days.


That guy on 4chan claiming he has the full video is posting stills from the 6 min version. I have my doubts that he really has it, but I'm confused why some random kid would want anonymous "fame" on 4chan of all places..

I'm genuinely surprised that the full video hasn't been leaked yet. Heard about this a few days back in the news and I still haven't been able to find the video. Maybe I'm just some surface web noobie after all, but I generally find that the videos are easy to come across the moment I hear about them on the news, so it's weird why this isn't, I guess??

Also fuck that disgusting piece of shit. Good looking? Are you taking the mick...? He looks like the fucking definition of an inbred incel. Fuck off. What a fucking loser. Hope he fucking ends himself.
Videos on the ync