Do you think rapists should be killed? (2 Viewers)

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They should be tried like any other person accused of a crime. After they are found guilty, they should be led outside and executed. Same goes for pedophiles. We shouldn't be paying for these "people" to live out their lives in an adult daycare center. That's money better spent on education or public works.

What if it wasn't the right person ? Imagine executing someone who wasn’t responsible. Anyone can be wrongly convicted. You can reverse jail time, you can’t reverse capital punishment


Hate the left with my guts
Of course yes, and also any recurring criminal, bullet in the head and unnamed common grave. Resources are scarce to be keeping warm and fed 4 life, at fucking criminal vermins.

Venture _Capitalist

situational awareness instructor

fuck him until his asshole turns into a Wiffle Ball
If a psyciatric hospital wont fix them its time to kill them becose they will probably cause more harm than benefit to society

Raped , then killed, then chop they dick off , then raped with their own dick, then revived show them The video of them being self raped , then killed again .
It whuld be fun to actualy see this irl becose it sounds prety funy but it whuld be prety intresting to see their face when they realize they raped themselves but wait how whuld this work for female rapists who do exist


Constantly laughing at the world
This is one of those topics that can be discussed and debated to almost no end, if it is to be properly explored at all levels. Take a look at some examples of how rape is interpreted differently according to gender (not to mention age) and how the "Law" determines what is rape as opposed to consensual sex etc, then ask the question again - should someone be killed. When I was young my step sister flashed her titties at me, I was 13 from memory. According to law, that's molestation, and if our genders were swapped and an older guy flashed his dick to a young girl it most likely would be treated very differently. My friends in high school had girlfriends 3 or more years younger than them when they were 18, according to law, if they fucked, it's RAPE even if they both wanted it. Should the guy be killed for fucking his girlfriend? Drunk girl picks up a guy at a bar and regrets it the next morning because she realizes there's selfies of her behaving badly so she reports it as rape! should the guy be killed? Hell NO. Rape is a word often misused - OFTEN. it's usually weaponized , politicized and used to manipulate. Sure , there are straight forward situations where rape is cut and dry assault on another person ( and of course that's what you refer to in your original question) but there are so many other angles.


We had a discussion in school about pedophiles/rapists when I was younger. I was very emotional/angry and said their genitals should be removed or get killed. Our teacher told me two things:

1. Removing their genitals or castration doesn't stop their urge and can lead to even worse mistreatment of their victims and murder.

2. What I told him says more about me than about pedophiles or rapists.

I didn't understand how can someone have empathy with those people but now I understand. We all don't live in an isolated capsule. We live under the influence of other peoples actions and the younger we are the less we can defend ourselves from destructive behavior. Destructive behavior can lead to mental/sexual disorders. So if we start killing rapists we make them also responsible for their past they had probably no control of. Their crime isn't having the urge to rape someone, it's their failure of self control when actually doing it instead of looking for help. But killing someone because he failed to withstand the pressure of his subconsciousness isn't an appropriate answer. Rapists still make me really mad and I have to force myself to be less subjective on that topic but a more scientific approach on that topic is better than my blind hate that doesn't lead to anything else than negativity in my life. My hate doesn't reach them anyway.


Fresh Meat
So I see alot of vids about rapists been fucked up by vigilantes. Do you think they should have a fair trial and be put in prison? Or the latter?
Sure....until you're falsely accused, tried and convicted of it. Ya know...that gashfag believeallwomen.
That being said, IF THERE IS PROOF, deflesh their face, split their penis and hack their feet off. Never kill. Killing is mean.


Forum Veteran
I'm a real American. I actually DO follow and support the Constitution. It is a logical document. And I don't jsut throw out the word "Constitution" blindly like right wing republikkkkunt retards. Nor do I throw out the word "American" lightly, either. I mean the ENTIRETY of the Constitution. The entire Bill of Rights (All of the first ten amendments), all of the following 17 amendments. The entire structure of the federal government and all of the powers of the federal government, which does, in fact, include things like taxation and eminant domain. Republikkkunt retards would try to have you believe it means you can do whatever the fuck you want, whenever the fuck you want, and that taxation is somehow illegal.

Being an American, a real patriot, means owning up to the past so you can work to make your country better and more aligned with the Constitution. That's true for any patriot of any country.

Having said that, no. Rapists should NOT be tortured or killed. It is unconstitutional, and a direct violation of human rights.

I've said this before about this site. About Goregrish. It's full of fascist pigs who are obsessed with the word "nigger." They have the right to free speech, no matter how vile and animalistic it is. Same with rapists. No matter how vile and animalistic they are, they still have rights and protections under the law of the land. I refuse to allow my country to stoop to their level. That's why I oppose all the right-wing Christian Sharia nutcases as well. I refuse to allow this country to stoop to a low level of bullshit without a fight. A fight of words, of course. Not a fight of violence.

(G.O.A.T.) Tubemonkey

It takes two to orangutango
I'm a real American. I actually DO follow and support the Constitution. It is a logical document. And I don't jsut throw out the word "Constitution" blindly like right wing republikkkkunt retards. Nor do I throw out the word "American" lightly, either. I mean the ENTIRETY of the Constitution. The entire Bill of Rights (All of the first ten amendments), all of the following 17 amendments. The entire structure of the federal government and all of the powers of the federal government, which does, in fact, include things like taxation and eminant domain. Republikkkunt retards would try to have you believe it means you can do whatever the fuck you want, whenever the fuck you want, and that taxation is somehow illegal.

Being an American, a real patriot, means owning up to the past so you can work to make your country better and more aligned with the Constitution. That's true for any patriot of any country.

Having said that, no. Rapists should NOT be tortured or killed. It is unconstitutional, and a direct violation of human rights.

I've said this before about this site. About Goregrish. It's full of fascist pigs who are obsessed with the word "nigger." They have the right to free speech, no matter how vile and animalistic it is. Same with rapists. No matter how vile and animalistic they are, they still have rights and protections under the law of the land. I refuse to allow my country to stoop to their level. That's why I oppose all the right-wing Christian Sharia nutcases as well. I refuse to allow this country to stoop to a low level of bullshit without a fight. A fight of words, of course. Not a fight of violence.
I hate to break this to you, you liberal twat. You're no patriot, you're a whiny butthurt cunt. Cry more, bitch!