Desantis announces he's running for president in 2024 (1 Viewer)

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Fuck around and find out
It's the current war I'm concerned about. I think Trump should be kept from be able to call shots or having any involvement in the Russia/Ukrainian war, especially while we continue to teeter on the edge of WW3.
If trump had been elected there wouldnt have even been a russian Ukraine war. And desantis is gonna be about the same as trump exept he knows how to talk as not to hurt pussy ass feelings.


Resident Rope Bottom
It's the current war I'm concerned about. I think Trump should be kept from be able to call shots or having any involvement in the Russia/Ukrainian war, especially while we continue to teeter on the edge of WW3.
But based on what behavior or track record? What has he done that makes you think he would spiral us into WW3?

I think his persona makes him come off as a loose canon, but if you look at what he's actually done that's not the case. He doesn't help himself on this at all, which is my biggest issue with him honestly.


We are Kings
i like desantis. but i think if anything,he should run on the vp ticket first. but then again hes also tax happy, it seems. im not sure about him so much now. i know i said desantis,but ive learned a bit more about him.
Desantis still has a lot of time left in Florida he should have sat this one out, wait for Biden, Trump, Hillary and Kennedy jnr to die and make a stand in 2028 when he's only slightly older than now.


We are Kings
It's the current war I'm concerned about. I think Trump should be kept from be able to call shots or having any involvement in the Russia/Ukrainian war, especially while we continue to teeter on the edge of WW3.
Why worry about Trump? Trump told NATO to go fuck themselves and pay more money to fund it and stop relying on Russia. Think they listened?



cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
Not pleased with this.
He'll not get the nomination.
He'll never match Trump's go for the throat assaults. And forget a debate, Trump will bulldoze right over him. Plus he's not ready, he'd do much better if he waited for 2028.

My main issue is we just reelected him as our Govna. He should have enough respect for his voters to complete his term being fully invested on Florida first.
Not taking anything away from him there, he has been an amazing govenor making most decisions with us floridians coming before anything else, the man takes no shit from anyone. We've been blessed to have him watching over us.

He will bring that stubborness against the machine with him to the WH, but this is not his time. He should get his ass home and be a spectator this round.

That is all.
Thank You.


Forum Fag🖕
Why worry about Trump? Trump told NATO to go fuck themselves and pay more money to fund it and stop relying on Russia. Think they listened?

It's the thought of War under Trump whether he initiates it or takes office during it is what's unsettling to me. One rediculous fucking tweet and were all in danger. I'd prefer not having bozo the clown leading us through ww3.. 🤷‍♂️


⸸ I am the End ⸸
Trump went to great lengths to avoid any wars during his presidency (and succeeded) and even started pulling troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan. People favored him because in the beginning he was a strong leader that did everything in his power to put America first. He tried to enact real positive change in our country but the cabal was working against him nonstop. They hated that he wouldn't capitulate. Towards the end Trump lost his way a bit which was sad, but understandable considering he was being attacked on all sides. I hope he can win and surround himself with good, honest, likeminded people this time.

But actually none of this even matters, votes mean nothing anymore because the whole voting process has been rigged to ensure they get their perfect little compliant meat puppet. DeSantis certainly fits the bill
For someone who has been politically neutral and somewhat out of touch. I appreciate this reply. I only know what I observe and you seem to have hit the nail on the head as far as Trump goes. I've thought DeSantis is a joke, as I don't take Florida seriously, at all. Much less a Floridian politician. However, I heard him speak on Glen Beck today and it sounded like his immediate plan of attack if elected, is viable. But there were red flags and I'm just not sure. I too, feel like damn near ANY one would be better than this fucking decrepit zombie we have now. I'm a combat veteran and I'm not patriotic. I don't vote because I feel like they all have these great intentions, but as soon as they're in office, the cabal take hold and they do in fact become a "puppet". I mean, is that basically what's happens? With a few possible exceptions? It's so fucked man...


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
The UN is def anti-american, i wouldn't trust those communist fags.
Is there no other word you could think of to describe these people, or is fags as far your mindset goes?

Also, who are you talking to?
What does the United Nations have to do with DeSantis running for President?

Grand Mal Caesar

It's the thought of War under Trump whether he initiates it or takes office during it is what's unsettling to me. One rediculous fucking tweet and were all in danger. I'd prefer not having bozo the clown leading us through ww3.. 🤷‍♂️

You're worried about a hypothetical tweet getting us into WW3 while an actual fucking clown is leading us closer and closer to WW3 everyday? That is seriously fucking retarded. Full fucking retard.


Forum Fag🖕
You're worried about a hypothetical tweet getting us into WW3 while an actual fucking clown is leading us closer and closer to WW3 everyday? That is seriously fucking retarded. Full fucking retard.
Not starting it. Fueling it is what I'm saying. Last thing we need are his retarded tweets during a war


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he should've been vp to trump IMO.

whatver the yanks do just please no 2nd term for woke president dementia diaper shitter.


Trump is his own worst enemy because even when he does good things he is so narcissistic he cant keep his sloppy gob off twitter for 5 minutes and constantly makes a joke out of himself.

Biden is a yes man in a dementia suit.

Desantis just said absolutely nothing substantial but has an overly dramatic music score playing in the background to pretend he did. Blah blah borders. Blah blah common sense. Blah blah fuel prices. Buzzwords with no hint as to a plan of action.

I hope I see a viable third party candidate in my lifetime. The two party system is destroying this country.
Kinda "Past Tense" I'm thinking!!! It needs "SAVING" now! And is that even feasible???


silent ghost
It's the current war I'm concerned about. I think Trump should be kept from be able to call shots or having any involvement in the Russia/Ukrainian war, especially while we continue to teeter on the edge of WW3.
i know what your saying,that you dont trust trump. but i dont believe he will get us into ww3 any more than biden will. were already in it. open your eyes and ears (not meant to come off as a dick). i say this because weve given zalinsky everything he wanted and needs thus far. the only thing that separates us from being fully at war with vlad is,we dont have u.s.soldiers there actually fighting. let alone policing. as far as i know.
dont worry about ww3 with another country so much,as the war were facing here. with our own govt. its a war alright. believe you me!