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NORTH Korea says it has approved a nuclear attack on the United States in its latest threat as US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel warned Pyongyang to back down.

With the world on alert, experts say North Korea does potentially have the capability of hitting Australia with a missile - but only if they're very lucky.

University of NSW Professor of International Security Alan Dupont recently told defence correspondent Ian McPhedran that North Korea had only a "rudimentary" intercontinental ballistic missile system.

"The capability is pretty rudimentary and has more to do with pretence than substance," he said.

While a well-prepared missile may be capable of reaching the top-end of mainland Australia, it would not be able to hit a specific target - yet alone carry a nuclear warhead.

It also faced being shot down by the growing numbers of anti-missile systems being deployed around North Korea.


We are Kings
a well-prepared missile may be capable of reaching the top-end of mainland Australia






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Forum Veteran
North Korea ain't gonna do shit because they know we'll fly over there and turn that country into a wasteland. Kim Jong Un is just doing all this shit to make himself look like a badass to his own people. He knows better than to fuck with us. He ain't crazy or stupid.


North Korea ain't gonna do shit because they know we'll fly over there and turn that country into a wasteland. Kim Jong Un is just doing all this shit to make himself look like a badass to his own people. He knows better than to fuck with us. He ain't crazy or stupid.

I don't really think he is running the show. If he didn't go along with the line the top generals and military people are advising, he'd probably be replaced by the military itself. North Korea spends almost their entire budget on their military I think, and if Kim Jong Un was to start cutting military spending for other things, the top military leaders would be much worse off.

I really don't know what the leadership in that country is thinking though. It really doesn't make much sense at all to me. From any point of view.


Representing Zionism
This user was banned
I really don't know what the leadership in that country is thinking though. It really doesn't make much sense at all to me. From any point of view.
You think maybe were being told stuff like this to drum up support for an invasion on part of the "axis of evil"?


You think maybe were being told stuff like this to drum up support for an invasion on part of the "axis of evil"?

It could be. But I'm not sure what our goal would be. The Middle East is clear, for Jews to dominate the region, but I'm not sure about North Korea. Plus North Korea actually has a real army, unlike the Middle Eastern countries we enjoy pushing around and meddling with.

BTW, did you know it was a Jewish speech writer for George W. Bush that coined the phrase "Axis of Evil"? He worded that specifically so Americans would hear the word Axis and remember the National Socialists.


Representing Zionism
This user was banned
It could be. But I'm not sure what our goal would be. The Middle East is clear, for Jews to dominate the region, but I'm not sure about North Korea. Plus North Korea actually has a real army, unlike the Middle Eastern countries we enjoy pushing around and meddling with.

BTW, did you know it was a Jewish speech writer for George W. Bush that coined the phrase "Axis of Evil"? He worded that specifically so Americans would hear the word Axis and remember the National Socialists.
Not surprised by it being a Jewish manipulator.

But NK's military is pretty 3rd world,not very well funded,and ( I don't think) has much in the means of allies. South Korea could roll over them.If they had to.

Still. Were obviously being lied to about something. And theyve been talking about this/Iran for years.


Not surprised by it being a Jewish manipulator.

But NK's military is pretty 3rd world,not very well funded,and ( I don't think) has much in the means of allies. South Korea could roll over them.If they had to.

Still. Were obviously being lied to about something. And theyve been talking about this/Iran for years.

Yes, their military equipment is old, but they have more than 1,000,000 soldiers that are real soldiers, that will die without thinking twice for their leader. Very hard people.

North Korea talks about being able to demolish Seoul with artillery within minutes, but we could destroy the artillery quickly enough. Still though, the thought of a second Korean war and us being involved in it is VERY scary.

I still don't really see the West's aim in it though. It's obviously not to free the N. Korean people, pretty much everyone knows that. And on top of that, S. Korea OR China doesn't want millions of poor North Koreans that don't have any education or experience in a normal country being integrated into either of their countries.

It's a strange situation. It might even be one of those (very rare) situations that we actually aren't trying to start the war for our own greedy reasons but maybe, just maybe, North Korea really is just losing it over our military drills with S. Korea. I'm just not sure.

I've always thought of N. Korea as a Chinese puppet state, but it seems like even China is going back and forth a bit like never before about what to do about N. Korea.