
  1. Donkeyd

    Funny Triumph the insult comic dog

    Attends the clash of the nerds (classic video from 2002)
  2. Donkeyd

    Funny Fight edits

    Brilliant stuff 😂😂
  3. LittleJohn

    Funny We so Poor…

  4. D.O.A.

    bizarre RIP comedy 753BC - 2023

    The silence is golden
  5. Ward Cleaver

    bizarre Rodney...King Of The Quick Witted One-Liners

    Regards, -Ward
  6. PsychoticNature

    bizarre That makes no fucking sense!

    This is exactly my train of thought at 2am. Prime existential crisis time.
  7. Moe-Faux

    bizarre Negroid man Attacks Superheroes

    Thought this was pretty funny. Obviously a well thought out skit.
  8. Sgt.Stupid

    bizarre Hell’s Kitchen hate this guy

  9. Donkeyd

    Robin Williams. For the ladies

  10. ZeroK

    bizarre Chris Rock Jokes About Will Smith

  11. Clam

    Funny Wrong Number

    A classic LMAO!
  12. Brainfart

    Funny Bouncin' down da stairs

  13. Brainfart

    Funny Good advice

  14. Donkeyd

    Funny Nailed it.

    Lets not kid ourselves. These guys have a serious talent at fucking people's memories up haha
  15. Brainfart

    Funny Tea testing retard

    I would still fuck her...
  16. Brainfart

    bizarre Keep your eyes on the students

  17. Brainfart

    Truth slips out with covid Vax news story...

  18. Brainfart

    Steve's a regualr

  19. Brainfart

    Funny Teacher rubs one out in front of the class

  20. Brainfart

    Taxation explanation, She's a genius!

  21. Brainfart

    bizarre Balls of steel or Eunuch?

  22. Brainfart

    Russia moon lander

  23. Brainfart


  24. Brainfart

    The vaccinated

    A shout out to the vaxtards on GG... You know who you are😂😂😂
  25. Brainfart

    Funny Birds and the bees...

  26. Brainfart

    Funny You can't talk about gay people

  27. Brainfart

    Funny British are the colon of the ecosystem

  28. Grand Mal Caesar

    Lori Lightfoot (Chitcago Mayor) New Campaign Ad

  29. Brainfart

    Funny You're not meant to eat it

  30. Brainfart

    Funny Wheelchair granny crash

  31. Brainfart

    Funny The Fat spectrum

  32. Brainfart

    Interview with a Transgender swimmer

  33. Brainfart

    Funny Funny News mistake

  34. Brainfart

    Drinking on the job

  35. Brainfart

    Funny Australian Pm Rocking out

  36. Brainfart

    bizarre Angry Jabtard gets instant karma(I would still fuck her)

    I edited post to include her only fans, so some of you sick GG monkeys can check her out and spank the