Warning:Children 17 year old killed by police after driving off with officer (2 Viewers)


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Some niggas start out fine then get coerced into joining their feral cousins like a human joining a pack of chimps. Then shit like this happens when they think they invincible


That cop is a moron an a liability to the department. to dump the mag on the perp while going over 35mph in a residential area was an extremely selfish thing to do as an officer. A pedestrian or even person inside of a home int his case could have been killed by the choice of this officer.
You serious? The only other thing in his line of sight is the car, wouldnt the bullets go into the criminal then the car if anything? Does same apply if the cop is on the windsheild?


That cop is a moron an a liability to the department. to dump the mag on the perp while going over 35mph in a residential area was an extremely selfish thing to do as an officer. A pedestrian or even person inside of a home int his case could have been killed by the choice of this officer.
It’s always nice when a civilian knows the officer’s job better than the officer, especially when said civilian knows better how the situation should have been handled under intense stress WITHOUT having been in that situation themselves.