Alek Minassian case - frustrated virgin terrorists (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
I have never heard of incels before and they had missions to punish normal people. Anyone heard of these social and genetic trash before?

There were two more incidents/attacks (one of them being a nerd named Elliot Roger by these nerds @42:00 u can see Elliot video before his attacks.) previously and Alek said he was friends with them in forum communities such as 4chan altright r9k etc sites I ve never heard of before.

Alek was diagnosed with autism and ocd and his lawyers were going to seek for insanity defense. The investigator with his odd approach took that opportunity from them. Very great interrogation.

So it's real frustrated rejected virgin nerds do attacks to the societies. Below is the link to the interrogation and analysis if it is your cup of tea.

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first floor room 16
incel community gets bigger and bigger. they have big anonymous group chats and forums.
incels are the definition of cuckold


Forum Veteran
These fucks are why we need to go back to Eugenics and some kind of breeding program.
It's worrying that they are forming communities. And if you watch the Rogers guys manifesto it's far beyond an anger it's psychopathy placed on an ill foundation. Since there is no treating that what to do?


CFO Slime Capital LLC - The Wolf of Gore Street
It's worrying that they are forming communities. And if you watch the Rogers guys manifesto it's far beyond an anger it's psychopathy placed on an ill foundation. Since there is no treating that what to do?

Society should stop tolerating the existence of losers and promote a militant strength culture. If you have to, start giving financial incentives to go out and pick up a fucking weight for an hour a day. Since our society is basically run by women (entitlement, equality, acceptance, tolerance, all those bullshit feminine values) that would never happen. 😁


Forum Veteran
Society should stop tolerating the existence of losers and promote a militant strength culture. If you have to, start giving financial incentives to go out and pick up a fucking weight for an hour a day. Since our society is basically run by women (entitlement, equality, acceptance, tolerance, all those bullshit feminine values) that would never happen. 😁
Very true. Protecting the weak and the scum ruined our evolution. Not natural at all. If you have an infection you will get a fever all your protection agents would attack and neutralize the danger. Pray of a predator evolves to run faster vice versa. If you look at nature vs humanity one could say this human experiment has failed.


CFO Slime Capital LLC - The Wolf of Gore Street
Women basically, and naturally only want two things from us:

1) Protection & Security (financially, and physically)
2) Companionship

That's fucking it. It's that fucking simple. Toughen the fuck up, and just learn how to talk like a human being and do normal things and stop being a creep and women will actually seek you out. Minassian seems like he got the idea. He even joined the army, but just wasn't tough enough physically yet. He had a great job, but was too much of a lazy fuck head whose father should have taken care of that early on. Our society promotes laziness, poor diet, and feminine behaviour. People don't know what being a man is these days or if such a thing actually exists, and it's no wonder. Age of Aquarius.. everything is fluid, even gender.


Forum Veteran
Women basically, and naturally only want two things from us:

1) Protection & Security (financially, and physically)
2) Companionship

That's fucking it. It's that fucking simple. Toughen the fuck up, and just learn how to talk like a human being and do normal things and stop being a creep and women will actually seek you out. Minassian seems like he got the idea. He even joined the army, but just wasn't tough enough physically yet. He had a great job, but was too much of a lazy fuck head whose father should have taken care of that early on. Our society promotes laziness, poor diet, and feminine behaviour. People don't know what being a man is these days or if such a thing actually exists, and it's no wonder. Age of Aquarius.. everything is fluid, even gender.
You are onto something. 😂 New world ordr agenda is full of crap like these. Homosexuality promotion in every show as well.. They shape the humanity. Weaker the better, easier to manage. The values they can't ease they do pervert, change and spoil them. Humanity is infected with a parasite and is not even aware of the infection that's going on.


These fucks are why we need to go back to Eugenics and some kind of breeding program.
I'll simplify it,And say,Let's just Dig deep lined Pit's filled with Diesel Fuel & Oil! Throw Every One of these Deluded Fanatics into said Prepared Pit;And light-em Up! Just Cook the MFKRS ALIVE! That's it! "One and Done" And it's all gone Bye Bye!...SP

Bill Murray

Forum Veteran
I have never heard of incels before and they had missions to punish normal people. Anyone heard of these social and genetic trash before?

There were two more incidents/attacks (one of them being a nerd named Elliot Roger by these nerds @42:00 u can see Elliot video before his attacks.) previously and Alek said he was friends with them in forum communities such as 4chan altright r9k etc sites I ve never heard of before.

Alek was diagnosed with autism and ocd and his lawyers were going to seek for insanity defense. The investigator with his odd approach took that opportunity from them. Very great interrogation.

So it's real frustrated rejected virgin nerds do attacks to the societies. Below is the link to the interrogation and analysis if it is your cup of tea.

A few thoughts on this specific event and the larger issue of incels & autistics,

The Crown (or the district attorney for you US types) who can often fuck things up actually did a very decent job in prosecuting Minassian. They humanized the victims while keeping emotional rhetoric to a minimum and completely dominated Minassian's lawyers and their ridiculous attempt to use his autism as a defense. The courts and media also did a good job of keeping Minassian's notoriety (which was one of his goals) to a minimum by not giving this jizz stain any more coverage than needed. Personally I think thats a trend that should continue with all media. Stop giving these assholes a platform! Yes I realize that somewhat hypocritical given I like some of the gore that comes from these zilches.

As for incels, fuck all of them. In the past we'd just call them losers who can't get laid but by giving them this label of "incel" we've emboldened them so they can voice their pathetic grievances. Again, fuck them. Either work harder to find some pussy or dick or go back to being the sad lonely invisible virgins you are.

And autistics. I realize my comments might offend some of you with children "on the spectrum" but oh well. For starters that spectrum is part of the problem, its way too subjective and allows for unqualified physicians to diagnose and parents to self-diagnose children as being autistic. That needs to be tightened up. And I'm sorry but some of you parents need to stop using this as a crutch in labelling away your kids shitty behavior. Maybe learn how to be a better parent and stop indulging your obnoxious little spawn's every demand, teach those snotty nosed fuckers some boundaries and social skills.


Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue
A few thoughts on this specific event and the larger issue of incels & autistics,

The Crown (or the district attorney for you US types) who can often fuck things up actually did a very decent job in prosecuting Minassian. They humanized the victims while keeping emotional rhetoric to a minimum and completely dominated Minassian's lawyers and their ridiculous attempt to use his autism as a defense. The courts and media also did a good job of keeping Minassian's notoriety (which was one of his goals) to a minimum by not giving this jizz stain any more coverage than needed. Personally I think thats a trend that should continue with all media. Stop giving these assholes a platform! Yes I realize that somewhat hypocritical given I like some of the gore that comes from these zilches.

As for incels, fuck all of them. In the past we'd just call them losers who can't get laid but by giving them this label of "incel" we've emboldened them so they can voice their pathetic grievances. Again, fuck them. Either work harder to find some pussy or dick or go back to being the sad lonely invisible virgins you are.

And autistics. I realize my comments might offend some of you with children "on the spectrum" but oh well. For starters that spectrum is part of the problem, its way too subjective and allows for unqualified physicians to diagnose and parents to self-diagnose children as being autistic. That needs to be tightened up. And I'm sorry but some of you parents need to stop using this as a crutch in labelling away your kids shitty behavior. Maybe learn how to be a better parent and stop indulging your obnoxious little spawn's every demand, teach those snotty nosed fuckers some boundaries and social skills.