murder Death penalty (1 Viewer)

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Why so serious? The Devil ate my bannana
Few topics are as controversial as the death penalty and it has been interesting to see your responses it is very mixed and causes quite the debate as i have found out myself. Many people focus on the cost of the death penalty vs life in prison, assuming that life in prison is more costly and those on death row deserve death. Other feel the death penalty is too severe for even the worst of criminals and a life behind bars is the best option. No matter where you fall on the spectrum, I am here to offer some information based on an independent study in Oklahoma about the death penalty vs life in prison. I have read quite a few independent studies and also looked into costs as this seems to come up a few times in your responses.

This study found that on average, more time, effort, and costs are used for Oklahoma cases in which the death penalty is sought. In fact, the average across several states is 700 thousand dollars more on death penalty cases. So basically, when it comes to the costs of the death penalty vs life in prison, it is less expensive to keep someone in prison for life. Most of this money comes into play pretrial when the prisoners spend more time in a local or state lock-up awaiting trial which then costs both sides more to present. Then money is spent in excess on appeals when compared to a non-capital case. So, while it may be less costly to imprison them after the sentence, it is much more costly to handle a death penalty case upfront. It seems to be a simple fact that seeking the death penalty is more expensive.

Such findings are repeated in New Mexico where it was found that bringing back the death penalty it would cost approximately 7.2 million dollars over the first three years. In Oregon, similar findings showing the cost of the death penalty vs life in prison found that maintaining the death penalty creates a significant financial burden for taxpayers of about 2.3 million dollars yearly that including incarceration costs. This was almost double the amount spent on a fourth of the number of death row inmates. Nebraska spends 14.6 million dollars annually to maintain capitol punishment with few actually being given the death penalty in spite of access to its use. Pennsylvania spent an estimated 272 million per execution since 1978, but this is considered a conservative estimate. The list goes on and on with states spending millions to institute or maintain the death penalty for few prisoners in comparison to the total number of incarcerated individuals.

So, is the death penalty worth the money, that is really for the taxpayers to decide? The cost of serving life in prison is cheaper, but do some people deserve the death penalty? There are proponents and opponents on both sides. Some of the common arguments include that if people are knowledgeable about the fact that some crimes carry a death penalty possibility, they will be less likely to commit those crimes. Along these same lines, if
a criminal does complete an unimaginable act and is sentenced to death then they will be unable to do bad things repeatedly. If they are sentenced to life they may escape or be released on good behavior giving them an opportunity to re-offend. Some even argue that the death penalty is cheaper overall, but this is not true in America. However, for other countries, this does seem to be the case. Many people feel the death penalty is appropriate if it is proportional to the crime, such as taking a life. These same individuals may feel the death penalty gives families of the victim(s) closure.
On the other end of the spectrum, those that argue against the death penalty say that sometimes, innocent people are convicted and they should not have to face death. Recent studies show that 1 in 25 people sentenced to death in the US is in fact innocent, this seems like a valid argument. Others believe that the death penalty should be avoided due to its inherent cruelty and how unfair it is to the criminal’s family as it serves as a punishment to them as well. Many also feel that the death penalty does not give the person a chance to change or learn from their mistakes. People also believe that the death penalty is hypocritical. Killing someone for killing someone seems to send a conflicting message.
No matter what side of the debate you fall on, it will likely always be a highly debated topic. The truth is, in America, the death penalty is a much more expensive option than life in prison, even one without parole.

It is insane to think that it comes down to cost over life and that it is cheaper to keep someone for life rather than death. I am still looking into that as I would have assumed keeping someone for a minimum term and then killing them would be more cost-effective, But in the studies, I have read it appears this is not the case and it can rack up during the trial more than being in prison. With my warped mind I would propse they bring back a firing squad or hanging lol.
Whichever way you look at it it comes down to the weight of the crime I guess and as some of you have rightly pointed out it should not be an eye for an eye but some crimes are more deserving of the death penalty. A gang banger who kills a rival not so much but as some of you have touched on sexual crimes, especially towards minors and killing of minors as well as crimes like that sick bastard Chris watts who killed his family just because he wanted to get his dick wet somewhere else.
Whatever the case maybe it will always be a very subjective argument/debate with many different sides and as always the government will cover their asses so as to not implement themselves in any way even when they get it wrong.
I think the death penalty should be present in all states, and used. It should be carried out as swiftly after conviction as possible to prevent undo burden on the rest of society. Especially on pedophiles and sexual predators.
I agree; and I do believe that the death penalty should be used if a perp murders absolutely innocent individuals for NO reason..”An eye for an eye?” Every other “crime” is debatable..but absolutely in the case of pedophiles & rapists as well. ✌️👍🏻

Mater Tenebrarum

Fresh Meat
the death penalty is old and archaic, it should only be used when it is impossible to hold someone safely away from society, which isn't an issue mostly anymore. Also, it doesn't reduce crime, it doesn't help anyone, and leads to innocent people being murdered. We should be doing rehabilitation not just jailing people willy nilly, it doesn't work.
It doesn't work because of 20+years of endless appeals by a flawed judicial system in the US. Execution isn't a deterrent because of the above. I am in Pennsylvania and we have have a cop killer who murdered a cop who was on death row since 1982...and who's sentence was commuted in 2011 to life w/o parole. It is known he did it....he admitted doing it and confessed. His 🐒ass should have been executed immediately.

Old West Justice is the only answer. I am tired of my hard earned money paying for jails filled with scum who doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as I do. Arrest...10 min trial...guilty...out back and hang. I don't want to hear about possible innocence. It is 2022 and forensics exist...cameras are everywhere...and many dumbasses post their crimes on social media. Those who have been "freed" from forensic evidence? Look at their criminal records prior to false conviction...they would have escalated to the crimes they were convicted if because animals are animals.

I feel very strongly about this, as I see horrible things every single day as an Older Adult Protective Services Investigator. There are MORE THAN A FEW dangerous sociopaths, psychopaths and sick fuckers walking amongst us every single day. Had a case last week... Son let his quadriplegic 72 year old Mother literally rot with unstageable bed sores (to the bone) all over her back, legs and arms and only fed her enough to keep her alive to drain her bank account for fucking Heroin. You tell me, does he deserve to live?

What about the case I had 3 weeks ago...a male nursing assistant in a nursing home raped and sodomized a 92 year old dementia female resident. Should he get to live his life in prison, at YOUR expense?????

And what is bad is that the attorney general will plea these fuckers out and I get to keep doing what I do hoping to make a difference when most of them deserve to die.


Fresh Meat
It doesn't work because of 20+years of endless appeals by a flawed judicial system in the US. Execution isn't a deterrent because of the above. I am in Pennsylvania and we have have a cop killer who murdered a cop who was on death row since 1982...and who's sentence was commuted in 2011 to life w/o parole. It is known he did it....he admitted doing it and confessed. His 🐒ass should have been executed immediately.

Old West Justice is the only answer. I am tired of my hard earned money paying for jails filled with scum who doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as I do. Arrest...10 min trial...guilty...out back and hang. I don't want to hear about possible innocence. It is 2022 and forensics exist...cameras are everywhere...and many dumbasses post their crimes on social media. Those who have been "freed" from forensic evidence? Look at their criminal records prior to false conviction...they would have escalated to the crimes they were convicted if because animals are animals.

I feel very strongly about this, as I see horrible things every single day as an Older Adult Protective Services Investigator. There are MORE THAN A FEW dangerous sociopaths, psychopaths and sick fuckers walking amongst us every single day. Had a case last week... Son let his quadriplegic 72 year old Mother literally rot with unstageable bed sores (to the bone) all over her back, legs and arms and only fed her enough to keep her alive to drain her bank account for fucking Heroin. You tell me, does he deserve to live?

What about the case I had 3 weeks ago...a male nursing assistant in a nursing home raped and sodomized a 92 year old dementia female resident. Should he get to live his life in prison, at YOUR expense?????

And what is bad is that the attorney general will plea these fuckers out and I get to keep doing what I do hoping to make a difference when most of them deserve to die.
Yes because it doesn't fix any problem, it's the price you pay for living in a decent society, you rehabilitate others and help make it safer. The safest countries on earth do not have death penalties and do not focus on punishments but rehabilitation, and that's all I care about, making society safer, whatever makes that happen I want it's very simple, statistics takes all of the emotional guessing game out of it, also fucking acab lmao.

Mater Tenebrarum

Fresh Meat
Yes because it doesn't fix any problem, it's the price you pay for living in a decent society, you rehabilitate others and help make it safer. The safest countries on earth do not have death penalties and do not focus on punishments but rehabilitation, and that's all I care about, making society safer, whatever makes that happen I want it's very simple, statistics takes all of the emotional guessing game out of it, also fucking acab lmao.
Ahhhhhhhh....another fine liberal arts-degreed, defund the police communist that believes everything is based on socio-econmic status 👍 I bet you think Ted Bundy could be rehabbed and Jeffrey Dahmer had an eating disorder. I wonder how many Che Guevara shirts you own?


Fresh Meat
Ahhhhhhhh....another fine liberal arts-degreed, defund the police communist that believes everything is based on socio-econmic status 👍 I bet you think Ted Bundy could be rehabbed and Jeffrey Dahmer had an eating disorder. I wonder how many Che Guevara shirts you own?
I love how right wingers can never actually argue against real points, try thinking about what people say and actuslly responding to it instead of braindead going much person disagrees with me there for bad things and strawman.


Well Known Member
capital punishment is not today what it was intended for thousands of years ago.

fear and control.
in a western society that incorporates capital punishment the calculated murderer, rapist, and terrorist does not think of lethal injection during their moment of glory. these criminals are a problem and realistically should be studied in a human lab like the japs did in ww2.

in a western society that incorporates capital punishment the idiot criminal who lets off a full clip in a fast food joint to kill django yet misses django and kills wanda and her 2 babies or that rich kid in the ivy school who raped molly(f15) at a party should be removed from society 7 days after the conviction.

the legal system is flawed when it comes to convicted criminals and their rights as criminals.


Fuck the death penalty. People that get charges that could possibly face the death penalty, should allllll be sent to a select amount of prisons that are lightly guarded other than the border of the prison. That way those fucks have to really survive instead of live an easy life in a normal prison where you just watch TV all day and eat. Let them have to fight for their lunch everyday. Let them run their gangs in there. Just let em all kill each other and make it a scary death. Sitting in a chair knowing your about to die within 60 seconds is heaven for a sick fuck. Someone in Youngstown Ohio literally just asked the judge of he can just get the death penalty because it's the easy way out.


silent ghost
public execution.
if your found guilty. admitted to the crime. and proven your guilty. then you need not live anymore.
im all about "eye for an eye".
problem is the mental health system. its just as broken down as the judicial system.
theres barely any help for those who are fucked in the head. not saying its a cop out. but theres people out there who are legit fukt up in the head,and have committed henious death penalty deserving crimes. but at the same time,didnt get the help they needed.
but i think the DP should exist. and not be so fucking costly!


R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I
public execution.
if your found guilty. admitted to the crime. and proven your guilty. then you need not live anymore.
im all about "eye for an eye".
problem is the mental health system. its just as broken down as the judicial system.
theres barely any help for those who are fucked in the head. not saying its a cop out. but theres people out there who are legit fukt up in the head,and have committed henious death penalty deserving crimes. but at the same time,didnt get the help they needed.
but i think the DP should exist. and not be so fucking costly!
In part death penalty is by cops guns. They kill a lot around the world


Fresh Meat
My country, Poland, doesn't even have LWOP. Still 7 yimes safer than Texas.
And no offense but Poland isn't even that strong of a country or that good of a country compared to its neighbors, and by European standards you guys are pretty right wing, but the retards in here just come in barking "mUh CoMmIe". Lmao, tbf shouldn't expect logic on a site where retards love watching people die hahaha. Also Texas is a shithole for a lot more reasons than just the death penalty but Americans here love it, for some reason, they just love being on a private power grid that kinda both hot or cold weather, where your pipes bursts every winter, and hospitals lose power and people die every summer, and where children get shot up, but blame it on mental health care, but then the governor cut mental health funding a month before so they are just lying. What a great country America is haha. I'm sure no one here will get mad at me for a simple opinion and statement of facts.
What if they somehow workout that the person or their family pays for it.kinda like how you get a bill when you go to jail.
This is the dumbest thing here and that's saying something. I guess I shouldn't expect much from a cunt tho.


Master Baiter..... 🎣🎣🎣
Bro why are you so pressed over a fucking opinion lmao, you're the one coming back a day later to rehash shit lmao, do you have a job? Or friends you talk to lmao? Why are you so pressed hahaha.
I'm not your bro...

And i think you Will find it was you who replied to my comment and who didn't like my opinion 🤷‍♂️ you're not very bright are you?

And this is the first time I've been online in the last 48 hours because I've been working for 16 hours straight (that happens a lot when you work for yourself) and I've been out with family and friends...

And you're the one who is mad over differing opinions