murder Death penalty (1 Viewer)

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Fresh Meat
I'm not your bro...

And i think you Will find it was you who replied to my comment and who didn't like my opinion 🤷‍♂️ you're not very bright are you?

And this is the first time I've been online in the last 48 hours because I've been working for 16 hours straight (that happens a lot when you work for yourself) and I've been out with family and friends...

And you're the one who is mad over differing opinions
Sure bro whatever you say bro totally bro


Forum Veteran

I have very strong mixed feelings.
We as a society accomplish nothing nor deter murders by executing a person.
On the flip side. While holding my 1 year old nephew , looking into his innocent eyes as he looked into my eyes while grasping my finger with his tiny hand , I thought silently, how could a person hurt and or kill such a tiny innocent being ?
I felt engagement of this idea. I felt the need to hurt and slowly end such a person . I later thought death was to merciful . Compared to a lifetime in a penitentiary. Yet still would want such a person dead.


Demi devil Pyro Maniac
I'm not your bro...

And i think you Will find it was you who replied to my comment and who didn't like my opinion 🤷‍♂️ you're not very bright are you?

And this is the first time I've been online in the last 48 hours because I've been working for 16 hours straight (that happens a lot when you work for yourself) and I've been out with family and friends...

And you're the one who is mad over differing opinions
Go back to your basement lmao. No one cares
Apparently you care because you're having a tantrum because you don't like. HIS opinions


Fresh Meat
Like I said nothing but a little troll..

Why don't you take your own advice?

You shout about other people not liking the opinions of others while not liking them yourself 🤦‍♂️ typical far left retard, you probably support black lives matter and faggot month as well
Yuppies you know it, you're so smart, clearly the want to kill people has made you so intelligent and wise. Lmao. Oh no someone's messing with me on a gore forum, the audacity, fucking far leftist ruining my forums. Try again I'm not a commie, like at all, or even a little, although I'll take a commie over a nazi any day of the week lmao. Really got that brain rot going strong today don't ya my guy? Well either way Hava a good one I gotta get to be, I'm on old man hours lately.


Master Baiter..... 🎣🎣🎣
Yuppies you know it, you're so smart, clearly the want to kill people has made you so intelligent and wise. Lmao. Oh no someone's messing with me on a gore forum, the audacity, fucking far leftist ruining my forums. Try again I'm not a commie, like at all, or even a little, although I'll take a commie over a nazi any day of the week lmao. Really got that brain rot going strong today don't ya my guy? Well either way Hava a good one I gotta get to be, I'm on old man hours lately.
Are you a KNEEGROW?

i would be mad as well if I was one, why does my opinion anger you so much 🤷‍♂️ i can see it enrages you, you hate that people think differently to you don't you 🤣 most people around here don't like your kind....

And it doesn't bother me i enjoy making people like you look like the fool's they are..

And why do you write like your an Irish retard


Shitskin Slayer
So the other night there was a group of us debating over the death penalty in the states and which state does and does not have it anymore. But then it became a deeper conversation because it got on to the morals of right and wrong. If you are sentencing a fellow human to death for his or her crimes does that not make the judicial system a murderer also as they are carrying out exactly what that person has just carried out with the same intention to end another life. Yet they are justifying that it is the right thing to do under the law to take another life as they have restricted someone of their life. So technically using the law to cover up a crime and then justify it, When instead of just restricting their life by locking them up for the rest of theirs so that they would never see freedom again would be a more moral act to carry out.

I would like to see others' points on this as neither side of our debate could justify the cause and the means, Are we simply overthinking the whole process, or do you see it in the same way.
Yes I believe the Death Penalty is the right thing, I believe anyone truly convicted through true due process and evidence of Murder, Rape, Pedo etc should be given the death penalty, as they say a life for a life.

It's the most logical conclusion, not to mention all societies have had the death penalty, only in modern times have we gotten rid of it and to our detriment.

Why allow a murderer out of prison in 5-10 years? Why allow some armed robber that assaulted someone out of prison in 3-5 years?

Just fucking kill them and let everyone watch, I want to be on the firing squad.


Well Known Member

Darryl Hunt​

Darryl Hunt is a man from Winston-Salem North Carolina. He was convicted of the rape and murder of a woman named Deborah Sykes. He was nineteen years old at that time and despite the fact that there was no physical evidence that connected him to the crime, he was sentenced to life in prison. In 1994, he was cleared of the rape change when a DNA test result proved that he never committed the crime. He was finally exonerated after serving 19 years of his life in prison.

Thomas Kennedy​

Thomas Kennedy was sent to prison by his then eleven-year-old daughter, Casandra. Casandra told the authorities that she was raped by her own father and Thomas was sentenced to 15 years in prison. After nine years had passed, Casandra eventually came forward and admitted lying about the rape. She told the authorities, in her own words, that she “was upset because [she] felt he wasn’t around enough.” Thomas was freed afterwards.

James Curtis Giles​

James Curtis Giles was wrongfully convicted of a rape charge in 1983. And after 25 years of carrying the weight of a crime that he didn’t commit, a DNA test came out proving his innocence. He was freed in 2007 after serving 10 years in prison and 14 years as a registered sex offender on parole.

I found those with a 3 second google search, thousands of others are out there.
I don’t care.
And no offense but Poland isn't even that strong of a country or that good of a country compared to its neighbors, and by European standards you guys are pretty right wing, but the retards in here just come in barking "mUh CoMmIe". Lmao, tbf shouldn't expect logic on a site where retards love watching people die hahaha. Also Texas is a shithole for a lot more reasons than just the death penalty but Americans here love it, for some reason, they just love being on a private power grid that kinda both hot or cold weather, where your pipes bursts every winter, and hospitals lose power and people die every summer, and where children get shot up, but blame it on mental health care, but then the governor cut mental health funding a month before so they are just lying. What a great country America is haha. I'm sure no one here will get mad at me for a simple opinion and statement of facts.

This is the dumbest thing here and that's saying something. I guess I shouldn't expect much from a cunt tho.
Are you from Texas? And sure we Poles are right-wing pro-lifers: no abortion,no euthanasia,no death penalty 😀

Yeah, I've learned that even the most mellow social-democratic solutions are considered communism in the US.


Fresh Meat
Are you from Texas? And sure we Poles are right-wing pro-lifers: no abortion,no euthanasia,no death penalty 😀

Yeah, I've learned that even the most mellow social-democratic solutions are considered communism in the US.
Literally got called a commie here for saying I don't want the death penalty, but this place is filled with nazis and racists who get offended at sexism, lmao, no one here is really sane so I shouldn't be surprised there's not much logic here. Like wtf does the death penalty have to do with fucking economic systems lmao.


If caught red handed, with undeniable evidence and guilt, punishment should be swift. Strap them down, put a .45 right into the brain, dump the body into an incinerator. Life imprisonment should only be for those that weren't caught red handed, no exceptions.


So the other night there was a group of us debating over the death penalty in the states and which state does and does not have it anymore. But then it became a deeper conversation because it got on to the morals of right and wrong. If you are sentencing a fellow human to death for his or her crimes does that not make the judicial system a murderer also as they are carrying out exactly what that person has just carried out with the same intention to end another life. Yet they are justifying that it is the right thing to do under the law to take another life as they have restricted someone of their life. So technically using the law to cover up a crime and then justify it, When instead of just restricting their life by locking them up for the rest of theirs so that they would never see freedom again would be a more moral act to carry out.

I would like to see others' points on this as neither side of our debate could justify the cause and the means, Are we simply overthinking the whole process, or do you see it in the same way.

Wouldn't locking them up for life also be considered a crime that is justified under law?

Kapitän Ghul'

Look at me go.
The death penalty is great and I wish they would bring it back over here in the UK, but I only thing it should be used for the worst cases like serial killers and child rapists and murderers...

When these people have been found guilty i don't think the tax payer should pay for them to live a comfortable life in prison, better to just kill the cunts in my opinion
Bring back the chain gang. Dig ditches and bust rocks 12 hours a day. We are paying so I want something out of it.


Forum Veteran
If you're an "Old Testament" person, the whole eye for an eye thing could apply, and if you're a New Testament person, well, sometimes a muthafucker needs to die.


This user was banned
I think they should bring back gladiators. Let the criminals fight it out to earn their freedom. It would be great👍