Documentaries (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
in the spirit of FIFA 2014 only weeks away :) here's a documentary showcasing the football ginga passion of 8 young brazillian boys from the host country itself, BRAZIL :')

ginga brasileira - nike 2006 world cup film.
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R a n d o m

The Spread of the Caliphate: The Islamic State(Vice news)
Pretty interesting as always in anything made by VICE TV.


Poster girl
The classic documentary about the horrible abuse perpetrated by Melvin Just.

Just, Melvin
Just Evil.

Excellent, haunting documentary.


Ms Cellaneous
The documentary zoo is the worst I've ever seen. The one about the guy that died bc he tried to have sex with a horse.. wtf is wrong with men?


Forum Veteran
reading about the recent back pack murders of 2 brits led me to Full Moon Party - documentary about travellers to Thailand & Ko Phangan parties.


The hair-flip of death
The documentary zoo is the worst I've ever seen. The one about the guy that died bc he tried to have sex with a horse.. wtf is wrong with men?

I saw that one. My jaw hit the floor. People definitely are very, very weird. Incidentally, there was a documentary on Bodil Joensen, the female counterpart of that guy. She didn't die during the act; she just sort of "nastyed away". Someone posted it on this site.

Sichard Rimmons

Super Ultra Mega Lurker
I'm really into psychological documentaries. This one is about bipolar disorder and it's a good one if you're interested in that kind of thing. This is just the trailer, I watched it on Netflix.



Angel of Death
BLACKFISH is the groundbreaking multi-award winning controversial documentary of 2013 that follows the captivity of killer whales, and the dark dangerous consequences arising their trainers when nature gets revenge on man for pushing it to far an industry that puts profits over human life and animal welfare

On a less serious note, instantly reminded me of this:



Poster girl
Thank you for posting this. I really enjoyed it. I may take it in to the women's intensive outpatient group I work with so they can watch it. Novel way to embrace sobriety.

You're welcome. I was really impressed with how well the woman did.


Morbidly Curious
Terry Pratchett explores the realities of medically assisted death. Having been diagnosed with a rare form of early onset Alzheimer's disease in 2008, Terry considers how he might choose to end his life as his condition progresses.

His body, his choice...wish only the best for him.


Morbidly Curious
bulgaria's abandoned children.
i feel bad for the only normal girl in there, being surrounded by retards for so long must've really fucked up her brain. she acually doesnt seem so bad, seems smarter than most of the people i had to work with at my older jobs. for the rest, death is better tbh.

Have watched these break your heart to see how their children are treated...just want to cry. :'(