animals Don't make eye contact with Lions (1 Viewer)

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Fuck Around, Find Out...
Wtf were they doing? In there challenging them???
Fkn sick shit seeing those intelligent, wild creatures penned up in a cage with 2 mouth breathing dicksuckers staring/ stressing them out all day.... too bad it didn't rip his fkn throat out... 😀

Grand Mal Caesar

It appears that those cats are well fed. I think that was part of the show. If they had skipped feeding them their breakfast that morning perhaps it would have been a different story.


Forum Veteran
Maybe dont keep them in a tiny glass cage 🤷‍♂️
I went to Bristol zoo once in uk. I was so upset to see a male lion all alone in a glass caged area. It was tiny. I HATE seeing animals with no room to run.
Thankfully that zoo has shut down now. They've opened up a bigger one.