Edward Theodore Gein (1 Viewer)

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Well Known Member
That kinda crazy just don't wash off!
Crazy yes, homicidal yes, serial killer no, but still very interesting and
He looks so meek and harmless but yet he'd gut your ass like a deer.


Internet Warrior
Most of these serial killers are white & rarely actually die from the the death penalty. They need to suffer for all the sick things they do to their victims. They NEVER pay for what they do because they're white. Charles Manson should've been tortured to death for what he did, but he gets treated like a f**kn king on my taxes & gets to get married to some dirty 20 something year old hobilly b***h! It's 1000 miles away from justice when a some inbred, evil hick gets to eat, sleep, & workout all day & basically get rewarded for brutally murdering people on my tax dollars!


Well Known Member
Most of these serial killers are white & rarely actually die from the the death penalty. They need to suffer for all the sick things they do to their victims. They NEVER pay for what they do because they're white. Charles Manson should've been tortured to death for what he did, but he gets treated like a f**kn king on my taxes & gets to get married to some dirty 20 something year old hobilly b***h! It's 1000 miles away from justice when a some inbred, evil hick gets to eat, sleep, & workout all day & basically get rewarded for brutally murdering people on my tax dollars!
I'm just interested in your race my friend, what is your race? Sounds like you don't like whites much.
Black on black murders are the highest proportionally in America, so what do we do with all the blacks living on your tax dollars? Let's move on to the Cubans and Puerto Ricans and Mexicans, those fucking Guatemalans are too stealing your money too. By the way African Americans are responsible for a good share of serial killings in America and the worst serial killer in modern times is from Columbia so he'd be a Latino and was out within ten years, educate yourself before you speak or you'll get called out on it mate.


Misfits of Shout Box
Most of these serial killers are white & rarely actually die from the the death penalty. They need to suffer for all the sick things they do to their victims. They NEVER pay for what they do because they're white. Charles Manson should've been tortured to death for what he did, but he gets treated like a f**kn king on my taxes & gets to get married to some dirty 20 something year old hobilly b***h! It's 1000 miles away from justice when a some inbred, evil hick gets to eat, sleep, & workout all day & basically get rewarded for brutally murdering people on my tax dollars!

but manson didn't kill nobody?


Wow! I didn't know he was held in Wautoma County. I was arrested for Marijuana possession when I was 18, shortly after graduating and moving to Wisconsin from Chicago.
They had a shortage of room in Wood County and a few of us were taken to Wautoma, even though I was able to bond myself out right after booking, making my ride drive an extra 90 minutes. The place was a joke, they immediately threw my cigarettes out in booking and actually charged a booking fee to anyone who had money on them-$35.00 fee. I couldn't believe it! A year later I would go on to bartend in Plainfield, 2 miles from the property.


Lurking and Lurking
Correct me if I'm wrong, one of his victims was a bartender - I believe he used her face to make a mask.


Wow! I didn't know he was held in Wautoma County. I was arrested for Marijuana possession when I was 18, shortly after graduating and moving to Wisconsin from Chicago.
They had a shortage of room in Wood County and a few of us were taken to Wautoma, even though I was able to bond myself out right after booking, making my ride drive an extra 90 minutes. The place was a joke, they immediately threw my cigarettes out in booking and actually charged a booking fee to anyone who had money on them-$35.00 fee. I couldn't believe it! A year later I would go on to bartend in Plainfield, 2 miles from the property.
Actually Gein was held and died at Mendota Mental Health Institution un Madison, Wisconsin. The date of his death is correct.



Searching the house, authorities found:
  • Human skulls mounted upon the cornerposts of his bed
  • Human skin fashioned into a lampshade and used to upholster chair seats
  • Human skullcaps, apparently in use as soup bowls
  • A human heart (it is disputed where the heart was found; the deputies’ reports all claim that the heart was in a saucepan on the stove, with some crime scene photographers claiming it was in a paper bag)
  • The head of Mary Hogan, a local tavern owner, found in a paper bag
  • A ceiling light pull consisting of human lips
  • A “mammary vest” crafted from the skin of a woman’s torso
  • A belt made from several human nipples, among many other such grisly objects
  • Socks made from human flesh


Correct me if I'm wrong, one of his victims was a bartender - I believe he used her face to make a mask.
I believe you're right on that. It was a sensational case when it happened. I was only in elementary school, not as many murders, esp. weird ones, like is getting to be more the norm in recent years.