bizarre Just Another Day In India (1 Viewer)

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Well Known Member
Ya'l' see that swagger and shifty eyes?! That bull was shady as fuck! The only thing that could make it even more perfect would be if the bull had on a Chicago jersey, baggy pants, and some dollar store bling hanging from his neck! 🤣
Cleaning and tossing your drain funk out infront a sacred beast like that... you bet your brown skinned ass you gunna get a horned like that.


Forum Veteran
India is basically one giant slum, why half the cunts move to Australia on working visas. I worked with an Indian bloke before, all he would bang on about was how great Indian food is and how shit Australian food is. Granted he has a point that Australian cuisine and typical family meals are just a pick n mix from every other country around the world, but I thought why don't you fucking move back to India if it is so great... He even said he wants to bring his family over here.

He would even microwave his left over curry in the communal lunchroom and it would spit and splatter everywhere, never cleaned up after himself. Someone (a woman) pointed this out to him and he didn't see a problem, he said she should clean the microwave if she wishes to use it to re-heat her lunch after him, also the first one to take his lunch break, a bit like ching chongs, they are rude, ignorant, inconsiderate, self-absorbed assholes. That's my rant done for now I think...

Varmint Hunter

I'd go to hell just to shoot the Devil in the face
Yeeah, I saw the bull's horns, and the guy's ass all pointed up like he was getting ready to be pegged, and I knew what was coming...

Nathan Explosion

This is what happens when your offerings do not please the cow god. Lift your game, Rajesh.

Literally snuck up on him like he had to make sure he had the right guy. Fuck your lentils.

Why can't i watch the video ? Whats the meaning of watch the thread ?
I'm still working this stuff out, too. Far as I can tell, watch thread means you'll be notified whenever somebody comments but you probably figured that out by now.