Memphis 9shooter (1 Viewer)

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don't do that
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Quality's not great thanks to the livestream. From 4 different sources spliced together.

Sorry mods, I didn't check in viral, I didn't think murder vids were allowed there. Delete this if you need to.
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don't do that
This user was banned
Damn, I just posted a version of this in gore forum. Didn't look in here, I didn't think murder was allowed in viral.
Sexual predators hang things from their front belt loops and zippers in an attempt to draw attention to their crotches. He is no stranger to deviant behavior and now it looks like he has snapped and become a spree killer. I'd bet he's living his final hours, once they boyz corner him it's going to be lights out.
bro stfu u lying ass mf wtf where do u know how many people do that shit with their keys either because they have a push to start or some shit, or u have lighter leashes that people use to easily grab the lighters at all times, who gives a fuck about the crotches u don't see them with a dick hanging out or some shit in public and also mfs shouldn't be looking at peoples crotches in the first place bro
bro stfu u lying ass mf wtf where do u know how many people do that shit with their keys either because they have a push to start or some shit, or u have lighter leashes that people use to easily grab the lighters at all times, who gives a fuck about the crotches u don't see them with a dick hanging out or some shit in public and also mfs shouldn't be looking at peoples crotches in the first place bro
especially lighters bro if I'm a stoner I don't want to reach in my pocket everytime I'm trying to smoke something no offense tho bro I think u just got this shit mixed up LOLLLL I could see if it was something else tho like something useless on their belt loops


Bungus Among Us
Ape with saliva in the sides of his nig lips. I wish they would’ve shot him in a place that caused slow painful death.