Minneapolis,Black man killed by cop (1 Viewer)

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But the medical evidence contradicts that, because there's no evidence of asphyxiation.

I see you're flexing your low iq again. A non-conclusion isn't an exoneration, and that's only preliminary findings. The report hasn't been released yet...

The combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death.

A thorough autopsy would take the video into consideration for diagnosis. The underlying health condition and potential intoxicants are irrelevant to the oxygen deprivation everyone could see in the video. Being drunk or having high blood pressure doesn't prevent you from breathing. Being deprived of oxygen 1st leads to cardiac arrest secondary...

See the bold part and what's listed first, that's the primary, the other stuff is considered secondary. What you claim as medical evidence doesn't offer a cause of death nor does it rule out asphyxiation. You're also forgetting about the EMS report which will be crucial to any trial because it clearly states Floyd had no signs of life on the scene. They're going to be able to link his time of death to when he was handcuffed and being restrained prone.

You know as much about medicine as you do about iq tests mongo.


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I find it odd that no one has posted about the riots outside the White House the last few days. Last night was the second night Trump was bunkered for safety. They even turned out all the lights like as if to say go away no one home... because that's the kind of leader we have. lol



Forum Veteran
I find it odd that no one has posted about the riots outside the White House the last few days. Last night was the second night Trump was bunkered for safety. They even turned out all the lights like as if to say go away no one home... because that's the kind of leader we have. lolView attachment 421941
Fucking hell it’s getting that bad now.


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Lets cane a police officer for doing his job with a known fellon who also had a major criminal record, hes paid for his crimes, yes its the ultimate price, live by the sword and die by the sword, if a white man got the same treatment do you think there would be such uproar ? They are even demonstrating over here in the UK, any excuse for a good old loot. White lives matter, think about the police officers family, do you think they will sail on through life with no retribution ? Really, do you think that the 'REFORMED' black upstanding citizen would have never gone to prison again ? Fake money = crime = arrest = prison, just think, the american government will save a few quid with one less piece of shit dispelled from the planet.


First, Last & Always
Black federal officer...Patrick Underwood...was shot and killed Friday night in Oakland, California while he was doing his job...guarding the Federal Building in Oakland.

Baby Ward, I have to admit that these types of occurences aren't being covered on MSM. Black on black violence is never covered in the MSM because there's no sensationalism in it like there is with minorities getting killed by whites.

lol You are a nigger DOA. Just because you're white doesn't mean a thing. My husband is whiter than you, and way more valuable to society.

I think you're getting lost in the fact that most inequality is by class, not race. It's about status and money, where you live and what kind of resources you have access to. It's not about your whiteness but what neighborhood you live in, what your bank account looks like and what kind of lifestyle you live. Race in a vacuum isn't the be all, end all that it was in the 60's.

I'm just pointing out you live with niggers, like dirt poor niggers, so it's no surprise you act like one

You are your community, essentially. There are exceptions, of course. In Minneapolis, I saw a whole lot of white people looting right alongside blacks. There are many whites who are doing that. There was a shop owner who had his Gucci store raided and he said that the thieves knew exactly what suits were expensive and which were cheaper, which wallets were most lucrative etc. There are many taking this opportunity to loot and have been planning for it.

If you are stupid enough to participate in civil unrest, you could lose an eye. If you didn't think about that prior to doing it, that just tells me how stupid you are. There's no way in hell I'd put myself in situation unless I was willing to risk physical harm.


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I think you're getting lost in the fact that most inequality is by class, not race. It's about status and money, where you live and what kind of resources you have access to. It's not about your whiteness but what neighborhood you live in, what your bank account looks like and what kind of lifestyle you live. Race in a vacuum isn't the be all, end all that it was in the 60's.

If you are stupid enough to participate in civil unrest, you could lose an eye. If you didn't think about that prior to doing it, that just tells me how stupid you are. There's no way in hell I'd put myself in situation unless I was willing to risk physical harm.

I'm well aware of where we're divided. I think you misunderstood my post and probably shouldn't read too much into it when I'm stomping on DOA. I've seen civil unrest up close and I've witnessed the deceptive tactics of different news media to shape public perception. The race card in either direction is good for business, it gives us an enemy to focus on while our pockets are picked.

Protests are legal and many people injured were peaceful. I have no pity for thieves and vandals, or shitty cops, but some innocent unarmed Americans were injured exercising their rights. Maybe they feel like they have nothing left to lose.


First, Last & Always
People are fkn animals.. We deserve to go extinct, we're such shit..

Not everyone, just the looters/rioters/protestors...

The only evidence they now have to prove that Chauvin kept Floyd from breathing for several minutes until he died (which is what he's been charged with doing) is a video of officer Chauvin with his knee on the side of Floyd's neck and Floyd saying repeatedly..."I can't breath," "I can't breath."

So the prosecutor has to convince a jury...with a video...that Chauvin is guilty of 3rd degree murder because he kept Floyd from breathing for several minutes until he died.

Even with that new evidence, they'll still get him for negligent homicide/manslaughter, whatever that charge will end up being in Minnesota.

It's the disregard for Floyd's well-being that will work in a court of law. Whether that ends up being 2nd/3rd degree murder or manslaughter is anyone's guess.


First, Last & Always
I find it odd that no one has posted about the riots outside the White House the last few days. Last night was the second night Trump was bunkered for safety. They even turned out all the lights like as if to say go away no one home... because that's the kind of leader we have. lol

I've read articles about it and seen the videos. The White House is secured by local LE and the Secret Service. It would be insane to protest at the gate and think you aren't getting tear-gassed at some point, which is what happened.

Most of these protesters are kids, I get it, but this isn't accomplishing anything.

Trump is a Law & Order guy, not a pacifist liberal "touchy feely" type. When I watch speeches by Canada's PM, I'm reminded just how happy I am we don't have a Soy Boy like that leading the country. I'm not a Trump fan, but given the limited choices there's no way I'd vote for a Leftist Progressive.


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I've read articles about it and seen the videos. The White House is secured by local LE and the Secret Service. It would be insane to protest at the gate and think you aren't getting tear-gassed at some point, which is what happened.

Most of these protesters are kids, I get it, but this isn't accomplishing anything.

Trump is a Law & Order guy, not a pacifist liberal "touchy feely" type. When I watch speeches by Canada's PM, I'm reminded just how happy I am we don't have a Soy Boy like that leading the country. I'm not a Trump fan, but given the limited choices there's no way I'd vote for a Leftist Progressive.

You prefer a divisive leader unable to quell this hostility or comfort a country. You prefer a leader whose defamatory rhetoric has help fuel the fires, a leader that readily lies to you, promotes conspiracies, and has not fulfilled his promises.

Your law and order man was hiding in a bunker rather than speaking to his people. I get it that you like him. I liked to watch him when he was on TV, I found him entertaining. He was good at reality TV. That should be on his headstone. Military men that defend draft dodgers are funny to me.


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Dr. Michael Baden & Dr. Allecia Wilson with the Michigan school of medicine says Floyd's cause of death was mechanical asphyxiation with compression to the neck and back. It mentions restricted blood flow to the brain as well as the fact that there wasn't any underlying health conditions, a homicide.

Benjamin Crump, a lawyer for the Floyd family, told a press conference: "Beyond doubt he would be alive today if not for the pressure applied to his neck by officer Derek Chauvin and the strain on his body by two other officers.

He added: "The ambulance was his hearse."

Coincidentally Baden was the independent that did an autopsy on Epstein and thought it may not have been a suicide.