Missing Malaysia Plane still unknown (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
pray for those dear souls on the plane :heart: i may hate what gov'ts do/say(hey sometimes my own 3 gov't) but families and their children regardless where from deserve life not murder


Whatever version of events we get is certain to have the fragrance of bullshit. This has been a complete clusterfuck if they've truly been investigating it the way it has been reported thru all sorts of news outlets. Why'd they wait a week to toss the pilot and co-pilot's houses?


Forum Veteran
Whatever version of events we get is certain to have the fragrance of bullshit. This has been a complete clusterfuck if they've truly been investigating it the way it has been reported thru all sorts of news outlets. Why'd they wait a week to toss the pilot and co-pilot's houses?

they waited a week cause malasyia is an extremist islamic country (mostly sunni), and they dont look forward to having to face the dilemma of biting the hand that feeds it (al qaeda) or that OTHER hand that feeds/and aids it's palestinian sunni brothers (iran- hezbollah shites)
**malasyia has essentially quietly widened the islamic extremist window and helped complicate this***


Seems to be Indian Ocean for now.

Aint all that slow for them. That has been their normal pace whenever something happens. Unless its political then sodomy claims will rise faster than lightning.


Forum Veteran
the plane and the 20 billion dollars of oil wealth stolen from the nigerian central bank have been impeccibly and meticulously master minded orchestrated then executed and are sitting pretty somewheres


they waited a week cause malasyia is an extremist islamic country (mostly sunni), and they dont look forward to having to face the dilemma of biting the hand that feeds it (al qaeda) or that OTHER hand that feeds/and aids it's palestinian sunni brothers (iran- hezbollah shites)
**malasyia has essentially quietly widened the islamic extremist window and helped complicate this***
It's in Somefuckistan now.
This explains why the pilots are now suspected, and not the 2 w/ stolen passports.

The two men who used stolen passports to board the plane were identified by Interpol as Iranians Pouri Nourmohammadi, 18, and Delavar Seyed Mohammad Reza, 29. Malaysian investigators say neither of them has any apparent connection to terrorist organizations.

Stolen passports don't necessarily indicate terrorism. In fact, passengers flew without having their travel documents checked against Interpol's lost-and-stolen passport database more than a billion times in 2013, according to the international police organization. Among the reasons someone might use a stolen passport: to emigrate to another country, to export goods without paying taxes or to smuggle stolen goods, people, drugs or weapons.



Forum Veteran
lolwut? Link your sources.
if yu google it be safer FOR you ! goregrish servers might be amercian based and putting 50 links to hezbollah and iran and our forums imay get this site a DDOS attack from Internet Haganan.com a gov't defence site that monitors hezbollah iran and persian arabs like my family...


Internet Warrior


Forum Veteran
Now they are saying that the planes on board computer was re-programed to change course. So, what were the pilots doing when that happened?


Forum Veteran
This reminds me of the old shell game, while everbody is looking in one area, something else is happining an another, undetected. In other words a diversion.


We are Kings
The logical reason would be john locke stopped pressing the button at the swan station. Or you can believe stories about terrusts and UFO's like these other sheeple