Mom Stabs son over 100 times and a young girl she was watching. (3 Viewers)

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inappropriate behavior

Your apology is accepted :)
I can't help but wonder what happened to this woman to cause her to do this. I don't buy that she wanted to go to poland and spite her husband. I doubt she even understands why. Buth just my opinion :D

Bethy 🔥

Sometimes life aint fair kiddo..
Super Moderator
My heart goes out to the family of those that truely loved those innocent children!:dead:karma is a Bitch :eis: and this cunt will get hers!:rage:

santa isaa

santa isaac
Fucking worthless cunt. I'm glad they didn't buy her "crazy" defense. She's just a fuckin selfish moraless piece of shit. I hope she gets worse than death in prison.
she will get it good, I promise .people in prison really hate people that hurt and kill kids and the elderly,she will get it real good in there,i have faith ,that people in prison will touture this motha fucker. peace out.


I ditto everyone she (it) deserves the most damage that can be meated out by her fellow inmates that's providing shes not p.c.


Just give me 20 min a blow torch and box cutter with her and locked room oh and ill have her pray. Just like she had her kid do I am literally boiling after reading this should have skipped this thread.