Most Goreish Thing You've Seen in The Real World (with your own eyes) (7 Viewers)

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Dead Christ

Saw It Coming
But in seriousness, not much. A beheaded deer with a bottom half of a boar in a hunting area by my house. A deer head on the side of the road. Would like to see more than that IRL tbh,


fucking fag
My uncle shot a guy 11 times after he stabbed him, a drunken/drugged motorcyclist making the wrong turn into traffic loosing both legs, my blood bubbling out of a wound after I got one of my lungs pierced.


Fresh Meat
Used to pick bodies up every few weeks that had been hit by trains . Did that for 12 years
Almost made that list myself, use to ride the side of the tracks on my dirtbike to get to and from work until on day going home ,was on a small bridge and he comes a train at 60 or better , didnt have enough time to get off the bridge so I leaned the bike over to the guard rail and woosh right by me , must have missed me by inches!
So, there is a lot of gore and the like on here...and we have all seen a lot, for whatever reason we are here. But what is the most goreish thing you have actually seen through your own two mince pies? I shall start you off with Civvy Street, I was walking home, from a night out in Manchester, through Moss Side/Hulme and saw a flash of light, a loud bang and a hooded figure run off...I continued on my way and there was this young black dude on the grass verge with half his head missing and brains splattered on the grass. As is customary, I crossed the road and continued on my way, absolutely nothing to do with me...I ain't getting involved (I was only 17 at the time too). His death didn't even make it into the Manchester Evening News....what a pointless existence. And the most goreish thing I've seen on tour is hard to say because you do become immune to things, you just deal with situations. I've seen young children shot to fuck, a severely retarded man in Iraq being harrassed by locals before finally being beaten black and blue, then lynched him and cut off his cock. It was a "local dispute" and we weren't allowed to get involved in them, so we had to stand at a distance and watch (well, we didn't HAVE to watch...but we watched. There is video footage somewhere or other of it. I wasn't the one filming it by the way) He was accused of raping a baby and impregnating her with foreign spirits....he hadn't obviously, he was just from a different village, where his parents had died and he wandered aimlessly (the guy could barely walk, talk or do anything for himself). Now these are sad and hard to see, but you get over them. Thankfully I never saw another member of my troop injured or that would have been the worst. And so, the prize of the worst thing I have seen (and had to do) is........It was for me to enter a building that had been bombed to fuck and collect any human remains I could, so they could try and identify if the right fuckers had been killed or not. There were a couple of fairly intact bodies (ones that were identifiable as having once been human, at least) that the other guys attended to...and then there was the one in the kitchen. It was a fucking mess...pretty much all that was left was an eye and a load of brain matter...there was other goo with it. We had body bags for the other two, but nothing for this. On the floor in the kitchen was a warped and slightly melted plastic measuring jug, so I just scooped up this person. It smelt so bad I had to keep swallowing to stop myself from retching. So this person ended their life in a measuring jug just up to the 250ml mark...with just a bloody eye bobbing on top of the gooey liquid. I then had to hold the fucking thing in my lap, all the way back to base, as no other fucker would take responsibility for it. It was from that I got the nickname "Eye-eye". Although, now I look back, it WAS very goreish but also quite comical.

So there you go....come on, who has seen what?
I saw a Afghan Nationals dick splattered on the side of wall. Dude had a SVEST on and detonated right outside of our FOB. Saw a lot of random shit there but that’s something I can’t forget. His body parts were scattered in a 20 meter radius but that was maybe 5 feet from his detonation zone. Other than just the typical dead women or men and many times children, a rape den which made our medic puke, etc…


Retard Extraordinaire
There was a man that hanged himself in his back yard next to the apartment complex I lived in. His wife (I assume) found him and was hysterical. I peeked at the body through the gaps between the fence boards. I was only 7 at the time so I didn't totally comprehend, but I remember the screams disturbed me more than seeing the body.


Kinky as a twisted chain
Too many to list. Though the most disturbing was a 6 year old child that had been shot in the head, by a shotgun, with the muzzle about 5 inches from his head. It was done by his father.
i apparently saw my moms severed fingertip after she slammed it in a door— but i can’t remember actually looking at it since my brain blocked it out. i was about 8 at the time and the only thing i remember is seeing her sitting on the bathroom floor with her tank top covered in blood.
Too many to list. Though the most disturbing was a 6 year old child that had been shot in the head, by a shotgun, with the muzzle about 5 inches from his head. It was done by his father.
holy shit... how did you see this irl? were you there when it happened or did you only see the aftermath??


Kinky as a twisted chain
holy shit... how did you see this irl? were you there when it happened or did you only see the aftermath??
I was one of the first law enforcement officers to arrive at the scene. His wife was also dead, in the car, from a point blank shotgun blast to the head. The difference is that she was grown and fully formed and the shot went through the driver's side window. Though she was just as dead, the window and her age kept her more intact. The boy jumped out of the car and ran when his father shot his mother. The father first shot him in the left shoulder, almost blowing the arm off, and knocked him down. Then walked over and blew his head off as he lay on the ground.
8 children under 10 and the mother, hog tied, hit with a tire iron and house partially set on fire. As a first responder (cop) handled 150-200 untimely savage deaths, but this murdering cocksucker took the cake. Nothing shown on this site, I mean nothing, can compare to having to deal with the brutality of real life on a daily basis. You like violence and gore, join the cops. But you'll pay a steep price.
I was one of the first law enforcement officers to arrive at the scene. His wife was also dead, in the car, from a point blank shotgun blast to the head. The difference is that she was grown and fully formed and the shot went through the driver's side window. Though she was just as dead, the window and her age kept her more intact. The boy jumped out of the car and ran when his father shot his mother. The father first shot him in the left shoulder, almost blowing the arm off, and knocked him down. Then walked over and blew his head off as he lay on the ground.
that’s absolutely terrible to even think about, sorry you had to see that.
So, there is a lot of gore and the like on here...and we have all seen a lot, for whatever reason we are here. But what is the most goreish thing you have actually seen through your own two mince pies? I shall start you off with Civvy Street, I was walking home, from a night out in Manchester, through Moss Side/Hulme and saw a flash of light, a loud bang and a hooded figure run off...I continued on my way and there was this young black dude on the grass verge with half his head missing and brains splattered on the grass. As is customary, I crossed the road and continued on my way, absolutely nothing to do with me...I ain't getting involved (I was only 17 at the time too). His death didn't even make it into the Manchester Evening News....what a pointless existence. And the most goreish thing I've seen on tour is hard to say because you do become immune to things, you just deal with situations. I've seen young children shot to fuck, a severely retarded man in Iraq being harrassed by locals before finally being beaten black and blue, then lynched him and cut off his cock. It was a "local dispute" and we weren't allowed to get involved in them, so we had to stand at a distance and watch (well, we didn't HAVE to watch...but we watched. There is video footage somewhere or other of it. I wasn't the one filming it by the way) He was accused of raping a baby and impregnating her with foreign spirits....he hadn't obviously, he was just from a different village, where his parents had died and he wandered aimlessly (the guy could barely walk, talk or do anything for himself). Now these are sad and hard to see, but you get over them. Thankfully I never saw another member of my troop injured or that would have been the worst. And so, the prize of the worst thing I have seen (and had to do) is........It was for me to enter a building that had been bombed to fuck and collect any human remains I could, so they could try and identify if the right fuckers had been killed or not. There were a couple of fairly intact bodies (ones that were identifiable as having once been human, at least) that the other guys attended to...and then there was the one in the kitchen. It was a fucking mess...pretty much all that was left was an eye and a load of brain matter...there was other goo with it. We had body bags for the other two, but nothing for this. On the floor in the kitchen was a warped and slightly melted plastic measuring jug, so I just scooped up this person. It smelt so bad I had to keep swallowing to stop myself from retching. So this person ended their life in a measuring jug just up to the 250ml mark...with just a bloody eye bobbing on top of the gooey liquid. I then had to hold the fucking thing in my lap, all the way back to base, as no other fucker would take responsibility for it. It was from that I got the nickname "Eye-eye". Although, now I look back, it WAS very goreish but also quite comical.

So there you go....come on, who has seen what?
My siblings and I were taken away from our parents when I was 5. I have clear memories of trying to hide in the back seat foot space, being taken into the orphanage, stripped and bathed in a few inches of water, and standing in the cold air with other girls having to air dry because we weren’t allowed towels. I have a few memories of events prior to that and one is of walking with my father at an amusement park alongside a roller coaster. A car holding multiple riders flipped off the track and landed upside down in front of us. My father tried to turn me away but wasn’t fast enough. I’ve often thought back on that memory and the horrifying thing wasn’t gore (I didn’t see any), but the thought that they were riding along, the top half of their bodies above the car, then flipping and, nothing. They were gone, obliterated.


Kinky as a twisted chain
that’s absolutely terrible to even think about, sorry you had to see that.
It is the only one that I still have the occasional dream about. I just hope the father lives long enough to take that last walk and watch them stick the needle in, all the while knowing his time is quickly drawing to a close. I had the honor, later, of knocking him the fuck out when he attacked 2 of us when we were transporting him to a hearing. He broke my partners nose, which required surgery, and I hit him in the back of the head as hard as I could with my elbow.


I saw my friend get hit by a car when he was 13. And saw a motorcycle vs transport truck accident on the highway from behind the transport truck and those were definitely the goriest things I’ve witnessed (waste of a good motorcycle if you ask me)

But I also walked in on some student cutting themselves in my old high school’s bathroom. What a shit show that was. I still feel bad for the janitor:lulz:


Was driving back from work one night when I saw the aftermath of someone being run over by a semi. Basically turned them into ground beef.


This user was banned
i live in norway, so surprise! nothing. though, i did live in the same city as utøya happened and i remember it

but yeah, no gore seen with my eyes


Forum Veteran
1973 --5 people in one car, teens, hit a pole at 80 mph. Driver pinned, leg severed at the hip. Right rear passenger just " sitting in his seat" split in two from groin to throat , ( G force), his heart perfectly intact laying in the road . Genitalls gone .
Two other passengers all mixed together in a single " mosh" pile.
The 5th, under the car. All torn apart.
1986 -- Two kids on a motorcycle , in the mountains, rounding a corner , hit head on with logging truck.
He ( driver) looked as if he had easily 1000 pellets from bird shot, it was gravel under his skin. His passenger, about 14-15 year old girl, laying on her stomach, her left leg 95% severed at the knee . Tibia, fibia, femur fully exposed .