Most Goreish Thing You've Seen in The Real World (with your own eyes) (3 Viewers)

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Forum Veteran
I think this event is actually what made me get into gore as a I became older. When I was 7 years old, playing basketball in the park, two older dudes were playing basketball on a court next to mine. One of the dudes jumped so high when he attempted to dunk that he came down chin first on the rim, then smashed back instantly to the pavement from the shock. There was blood and saliva gushing from his mouth while he was breathing a rattling sound and shaking. Will never forget this incident and I’m pushing 40 now.


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Walking along the street years ago, I saw a Paki or Indian fall from scaffolding and land on his head. Kept on walking.

When I was little, a dog ran in front of a car and actually did a somersault under the car. His death screams were absolutely horrible to hear.

Another time, on the Empire State Building observation deck, I witnessed a father throw his child into the air (why) and the poor kid's head smashed into the pointed security fence. Never heard a kid scream so loud...hope it didn't pierce the soft spot on his skull.


gabe blackburn

captain scumbag
I was working on a high-rise job site in Chicago Illinois. We were pouring a concrete deck that day and it all had gone well until the end of the work day. The deck was taking longer than expected to be finished and some of my coworkers had to work overtime well we are leaving the job the guy in charge of getting the concrete trucks in and out truck staging area slipped and fell and was killed by a truck running over his head pretty gruesome. Truly as bad as you think you could be lots of blood his head was completely smooshed.


pretty good with rope
First and only encounter with a dead body. When I was 18, one of my best friends' little sister was hit by a speeding car. She was 10 years old, coming back home from the store when it happened. She was propelled 30 m(98 ft) away from the car, her skull cracked open and she died a few hours later.

The next day I traveled to be with my best friend when her sister's body was brought back from the morgue before the burial. When they opened the casket my heart sunk. I never came too close to it but I have a perfect image in mind with the kiddo with her skull sewed up, looking very beat up with purple-green skin around the area. Mouth open and lips blue. It was horrible. I watched the CCTV of the accident multiple times to shock myself even more. It took me a long time to feel safe passing the street. I would never pass unless the light is green and now, 3 years later, I still think about her every single time I put my foot on the crosswalk.


Mess With Me, You Mess With The Whole Trailer Park
So, there is a lot of gore and the like on here...and we have all seen a lot, for whatever reason we are here. But what is the most goreish thing you have actually seen through your own two mince pies? I shall start you off with Civvy Street, I was walking home, from a night out in Manchester, through Moss Side/Hulme and saw a flash of light, a loud bang and a hooded figure run off...I continued on my way and there was this young black dude on the grass verge with half his head missing and brains splattered on the grass. As is customary, I crossed the road and continued on my way, absolutely nothing to do with me...I ain't getting involved (I was only 17 at the time too). His death didn't even make it into the Manchester Evening News....what a pointless existence. And the most goreish thing I've seen on tour is hard to say because you do become immune to things, you just deal with situations. I've seen young children shot to fuck, a severely retarded man in Iraq being harrassed by locals before finally being beaten black and blue, then lynched him and cut off his cock. It was a "local dispute" and we weren't allowed to get involved in them, so we had to stand at a distance and watch (well, we didn't HAVE to watch...but we watched. There is video footage somewhere or other of it. I wasn't the one filming it by the way) He was accused of raping a baby and impregnating her with foreign spirits....he hadn't obviously, he was just from a different village, where his parents had died and he wandered aimlessly (the guy could barely walk, talk or do anything for himself). Now these are sad and hard to see, but you get over them. Thankfully I never saw another member of my troop injured or that would have been the worst. And so, the prize of the worst thing I have seen (and had to do) is........It was for me to enter a building that had been bombed to fuck and collect any human remains I could, so they could try and identify if the right fuckers had been killed or not. There were a couple of fairly intact bodies (ones that were identifiable as having once been human, at least) that the other guys attended to...and then there was the one in the kitchen. It was a fucking mess...pretty much all that was left was an eye and a load of brain matter...there was other goo with it. We had body bags for the other two, but nothing for this. On the floor in the kitchen was a warped and slightly melted plastic measuring jug, so I just scooped up this person. It smelt so bad I had to keep swallowing to stop myself from retching. So this person ended their life in a measuring jug just up to the 250ml mark...with just a bloody eye bobbing on top of the gooey liquid. I then had to hold the fucking thing in my lap, all the way back to base, as no other fucker would take responsibility for it. It was from that I got the nickname "Eye-eye". Although, now I look back, it WAS very goreish but also quite comical.

So there you go....come on, who has seen what?
My wedding


Well, I got to see the narcissist i hung around with back in grade school (1974) get buried alive. He and i were diging in a pointy mound af sand at Smith Brothers landscaping on Oak Park ave in Tinley Park Illinois.
The cave collapsed onto him burying him to his knees. I grabed his ankles and pulled before the moist sand had a chance to settle. I should have left the little fucker die there that day.....
In 1979/80 my friends Pat ( fat pat the water rat) Terry (now called sparky) and i were toasted on some Columbian weed when Terry wanted an insulator from a utility pole. We were on 179th st between Oak Park ave and Sayer ave in Tinley Park Il.
Pat and i helped Terry to reach the first wrung on the pole, he climbed up. He had a telephone wire across his mid thighs when he reached out for the insulator at the top.
The magnetic field released an arch of (220-440v) of current. His arm flew away and as it did the arch lighted the entire block to near high noon in brightness. The current went through his ring and middle finger and exited out through his thighs into the phone line.
Pat and i scrambled to reach the first wrung but Terry was slowly climbing down using his dead arm as best he could. We stood at the bottom going to catch him if he fell.
We walked 2 blocks to Pats house 179th and Oak park ave. Terry got on his 10 speed Schwinn and rode home about a mile. His mother, a nurse at a local hospital took one look at his fingers after listening to his story and drove him to hospital. Skin graftes and a heart murmer later we started to call him sparky.
I witnessed Mark Schedin, who was waterskiing on jumpers on Lake Shannon, Essex, Il (1972/3) cut into shore, let go of the rope went under Don Nickles dock and face plant on the front of the dock putting his lower teeth through his lower lip. Mark was fucking crazy! Lots of fun to hang with.


Tier One
Back in the mid-ish 80's, I was driving home from a night out, a bit pissed when I came across a two car head-on. 4 dead in one car (two couples from my town) and an older bloke dead in the other car. Turns out the the dead guy was so drunk that the pub owner and his cronies had to carry him to his car and watched him drive off. I didn't see him well, but there was blood everywhere.
The two couples were driving back from a late night showing of Crocodile Dundee II (yeah, a while ago now). I didn't hang around as I was drunk and took all the back roads home. The women were in the front, men in the back. They all looked asleep except for the fact that the women's seatbelts were imbedded inches into their chests and were squashed into the dash.
Made the national news.
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Psychology of Gore
Hmm, most gore is cutting myself open and ripping fat out of my arms, I have been self harming for 8 years now and and had multiple stitches and hospital visits and watching them suture my arms and feel it still cause they can’t inject lidocaine for shit, other than that it was a dead body on the way to school with my dad, he lay in the road with two cops standing either Sid Eid him and they just were staring at him, it was only 4-5 blocks from where I live and beside Guadalajara, next is a bird I dissected during a small psychotic that escalated from being curious how the bird died to me dissecting it completely but that bothered me purely from the fact I escalated so fast

Nick Cage

Genuine Nice Guy
seen a lot but my most shocking was at school a wall was being built with bricks so they threw bricks off the truck one by one to the nig on the ground next to wall as he laid them. they got into a rhythm but on the last one the nig took a bit longer to lay the brick and i could see it coming too.
So as he looked back up the brick hit him in the forehead and his face partially peeled down over his nose. could see his skull, it was awesome. blood everywhere


Saw a guy swallow a stick of dynamite as it was lit. The walls around him were coated with blood. Not a pretty sight. It was as if he was vaporized.


I've been pretty much spared from this kind of stuff. The worst thing I've seen is my severed finger. It's all good now, the doc glued it back together and my fingerprint now looks badass.


Oh man when I was like 13 and my little cousin was around 10 we lived at this house with a sloped driveway. One day we were outside taking turns riding a pogo stick and at one point my little cousin was at maximum hop going uphill and hit a big oil spot. He landed on it and immediately smacked face-down right on the edge where the asphalt met the grass. All of his front teeth were smashed out and I've never seen so much blood in my life. Shit was brutal. Little dude literally curb stomped himself


Nothing bothers me anymore except animals. Anything human I brush off. I have see heads exploded, bodies ripped in 1/2, people hung, executed, ran over…..I have watched people beg for their life after trying to kill you and you play god and take their life. After you get through the 1st dozen or so, it becomes a rush. I think I mentioned this on here before but, we used to wound enemies to watch their agony and that would get their buddies to come help them….then we wound them and then kill them all. We got in some trouble for that but, was passed off on bade weapon sites. I think if we’re weren’t with a PC we would have been dealt with harshly…..back to animals, it tears my heart out.


Well, I’ve seen my fair share of suicides - I live in a shithole, feel free to take a guess where. - I remember my first year in college, one of my friends hanged himself in his apartment, I got to see the aftermath. It’s gnarly, I mean, if you ignore the fact that your friend is dead. I’m a really big gore freak, so while the scene itself didn’t scare me, I was on an awful state of mind for a whole month afterward.

Alright, this is going to sound weird, but I have a friend - I’ll call them Ronnie for privacy’s sake - And we’re massive gore hounds. Here’s the thing, Ronnie’s super suicidal. They self-harm almost daily, stuff like that. When we grew close enough, they let me cut him up a little. And after that, it just became a bit of a habit to meet up every week or so to check up on their wounds and make them new ones. Now to the actual story - One day we met up, and they’d told me to cut as deep as I wanted. I wrote my initials on their right arm first before slicing open one of their wrists. And the wound was HUGE. Like, you could see muscle, blood was flowing out like crazy, it was so cool. But, normally, since we’ve never cut that deep before, the wound didn’t last long as I rushed to try and do something so they didn’t die. That’s probably my craziest story with Ronnie.

My father poisoned himself when I was 15, I can’t remember with what but he left a puddle of vomit on the floor, and I’m pretty sure his nose was bleeding too. Asshole didn’t even bother to vomit somewhere else… Had to clean that shit up, man! Never cared for the guy so I was pretty indifferent towards his death - But NOT moping the floor... Seriously.:cmafr:


Hates the living, loves the dead
Ever or just this week? I watched a baby lamb be gutted out of the womb at work and thrown into a moving auger few days back.. Pretty messed up.


Mentally Unstable
So, there is a lot of gore and the like on here...and we have all seen a lot, for whatever reason we are here. But what is the most goreish thing you have actually seen through your own two mince pies? I shall start you off with Civvy Street, I was walking home, from a night out in Manchester, through Moss Side/Hulme and saw a flash of light, a loud bang and a hooded figure run off...I continued on my way and there was this young black dude on the grass verge with half his head missing and brains splattered on the grass. As is customary, I crossed the road and continued on my way, absolutely nothing to do with me...I ain't getting involved (I was only 17 at the time too). His death didn't even make it into the Manchester Evening News....what a pointless existence. And the most goreish thing I've seen on tour is hard to say because you do become immune to things, you just deal with situations. I've seen young children shot to fuck, a severely retarded man in Iraq being harrassed by locals before finally being beaten black and blue, then lynched him and cut off his cock. It was a "local dispute" and we weren't allowed to get involved in them, so we had to stand at a distance and watch (well, we didn't HAVE to watch...but we watched. There is video footage somewhere or other of it. I wasn't the one filming it by the way) He was accused of raping a baby and impregnating her with foreign spirits....he hadn't obviously, he was just from a different village, where his parents had died and he wandered aimlessly (the guy could barely walk, talk or do anything for himself). Now these are sad and hard to see, but you get over them. Thankfully I never saw another member of my troop injured or that would have been the worst. And so, the prize of the worst thing I have seen (and had to do) is........It was for me to enter a building that had been bombed to fuck and collect any human remains I could, so they could try and identify if the right fuckers had been killed or not. There were a couple of fairly intact bodies (ones that were identifiable as having once been human, at least) that the other guys attended to...and then there was the one in the kitchen. It was a fucking mess...pretty much all that was left was an eye and a load of brain matter...there was other goo with it. We had body bags for the other two, but nothing for this. On the floor in the kitchen was a warped and slightly melted plastic measuring jug, so I just scooped up this person. It smelt so bad I had to keep swallowing to stop myself from retching. So this person ended their life in a measuring jug just up to the 250ml mark...with just a bloody eye bobbing on top of the gooey liquid. I then had to hold the fucking thing in my lap, all the way back to base, as no other fucker would take responsibility for it. It was from that I got the nickname "Eye-eye". Although, now I look back, it WAS very goreish but also quite comical.

So there you go....come on, who has seen what?
I slit my arm open