Most Goreish Thing You've Seen in The Real World (with your own eyes) (1 Viewer)

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master shake

Well Known Member
My girlfriend died and I had to call it in. 😪 and back a long time ago my friends killed some white dude. Stabbed up like 17x, once in the face. I didn't see them kill that dude. But the prosecutor showed me the aftermath pics. They stabbed him in the face with a butcher knife 🔪. He had blue eyes so it made his death face 💀 look even more intense. Eyes 👀 wide open terror striken face and all. He was the guy trying to get his dumb ass friend to walk away.


It’s only a little blood…
When I was 14-15 I was on my way home from a paintball tournament with my mom driving. All of a sudden the Durango infront of us swerved, flipped then rolled throwing out a child then an arm then stopped. We slammed the brakes and pulled over. My moms a nurse we got out ran to the car and it was chaos.

I often live in tht moment. I kill deer and pigs all the time seeing an animal takes its last breath js the normal to me. Even seen my dogs eat other animals alive as we are called for tracking during season.


l e v e l
I've seen a lot of stuff from the real world but just not with my own eyes.
Then again I've seen a lot of stuff also but not from the real world.


First death I witnessed was a old man in a local pizza place my father worked at when I was 8 or 9. My father and the owner kept giving me quarters for the arcade games to keep me away from everything. I believe it was a heart attack.

Around a year later my step aunt shot her dog then herself. Nobody had heard from her for some time so we went to her apartment. That was a traumatic experience for my brother, sister, and myself. She was such a wonderful woman to us. She showed us love that she never got as a child. Her father would tie her to a bed and let the dogs do sick shit. I didn't find out the reason why she did it for years. I miss her terribly.

A friend split his knee open while playing football, we were around 11. His mother came out to see what happened, she fainted on the spot. He had a few surgeries and was good after a year.

Things went pretty smooth until a couple years ago. A drunk guy at kennedy plaza in providence rhode island stabbed a guy right in front of me. After the shock somewhat wore off everyone around him gave him quite a boot party. Victim survived thankfully.

That's about it for me I believe.


Forum Veteran
My girlfriend died and I had to call it in. 😪 and back a long time ago my friends killed some white dude. Stabbed up like 17x, once in the face. I didn't see them kill that dude. But the prosecutor showed me the aftermath pics. They stabbed him in the face with a butcher knife 🔪. He had blue eyes so it made his death face 💀 look even more intense. Eyes 👀 wide open terror striken face and all. He was the guy trying to get his dumb ass friend to walk away.
Where was this?

Denim Chicken

Full-On Rapist
I saw a car wreck where the dudes face was hanging off and then be started eating it and even feeding it to the other guys in the car and lol fuck you if you're still reading this bullshit


Cuddler of cats
I've witnessed death a bunch of times. Only one was strictly speaking gory: Many years ago, I had just driven a client somewhere and parked when an accident happened on the road outside the parking lot. We walked over in time to see the aftermath.

At first, I thought the car was a convertible with the top down. But in fact, the top had just been "scalped" by going under a truck at speed. The two occupants had been partially decapitated, sliced through their lower forehead/eye area. It was a very clean cut and they were still just sitting there in their seats with their belts on, minus the tops of their heads.

Very quickly, firefighters arrived and held up tarps so the public couldn't see the gore. But the glimpse I got was intriguing. I wanted to 👀 at it for much longer, until I could understand the reality of what had happened. When things like that are hidden and just talked about abstractly, I have a hard time fully grasping them.

Not really gory, but upsetting and deathy:

When I was in fifth grade, a fourth grader dropped dead on the playground from a heart condition. I saw him immediately after he fell and his face was purple--not flesh tone tinged with purple, but full out purple. That image has stuck with me all these years. An ambulance drove out onto the blacktop but he couldn't be saved. We were told he was dead before he hit the ground.

Watching my father die of esophageal cancer was excruciating, but not gory I suppose. It was horrible watching the nurse trying to help him breathe at the end, and watching the pulseox go down and down. I remember thinking at 68%, oh, he's really dying this time, that's not compatible with life. But the most upsetting thing was realizing how thin he had become. We cleaned him up a bit and changed his clothes before the funeral home people came. When his shirt was off I could see every bone in his chest. I realized he didn't really die of the cancer, he died of starvation.


Pretty tame, but worst thing I can remember is from when I was a little kid, maybe 7-9? It was the morning after my birthday party and I'd snuck downstairs to grab some cake before my parents woke up. Imagine the childhood terror that filled me when I came across one of the family cats stuffed into a large airtight Meowmix container, dead. (Rest in peace, Bright-Eyes)

My mom pretty much led an investigation and found out it was one of our neighbor's kid who was invited to the party. Needless to say, she wasn't allowed anywhere near me or my family again. Hope the little psycho got some serious behavioral therapy or something.


I was a vet tech working at an animal hospital, police brought in a German shepherd that idiots had chained to the back of a motorcycle and dragged down the street, another time a woman brought in her chihuahua that a neighbor had kicked in the face, it wasn’t pretty


So, there is a lot of gore and the like on here...and we have all seen a lot, for whatever reason we are here. But what is the most goreish thing you have actually seen through your own two mince pies? I shall start you off with Civvy Street, I was walking home, from a night out in Manchester, through Moss Side/Hulme and saw a flash of light, a loud bang and a hooded figure run off...I continued on my way and there was this young black dude on the grass verge with half his head missing and brains splattered on the grass. As is customary, I crossed the road and continued on my way, absolutely nothing to do with me...I ain't getting involved (I was only 17 at the time too). His death didn't even make it into the Manchester Evening News....what a pointless existence. And the most goreish thing I've seen on tour is hard to say because you do become immune to things, you just deal with situations. I've seen young children shot to fuck, a severely retarded man in Iraq being harrassed by locals before finally being beaten black and blue, then lynched him and cut off his cock. It was a "local dispute" and we weren't allowed to get involved in them, so we had to stand at a distance and watch (well, we didn't HAVE to watch...but we watched. There is video footage somewhere or other of it. I wasn't the one filming it by the way) He was accused of raping a baby and impregnating her with foreign spirits....he hadn't obviously, he was just from a different village, where his parents had died and he wandered aimlessly (the guy could barely walk, talk or do anything for himself). Now these are sad and hard to see, but you get over them. Thankfully I never saw another member of my troop injured or that would have been the worst. And so, the prize of the worst thing I have seen (and had to do) is........It was for me to enter a building that had been bombed to fuck and collect any human remains I could, so they could try and identify if the right fuckers had been killed or not. There were a couple of fairly intact bodies (ones that were identifiable as having once been human, at least) that the other guys attended to...and then there was the one in the kitchen. It was a fucking mess...pretty much all that was left was an eye and a load of brain matter...there was other goo with it. We had body bags for the other two, but nothing for this. On the floor in the kitchen was a warped and slightly melted plastic measuring jug, so I just scooped up this person. It smelt so bad I had to keep swallowing to stop myself from retching. So this person ended their life in a measuring jug just up to the 250ml mark...with just a bloody eye bobbing on top of the gooey liquid. I then had to hold the fucking thing in my lap, all the way back to base, as no other fucker would take responsibility for it. It was from that I got the nickname "Eye-eye". Although, now I look back, it WAS very goreish but also quite comical.

So there you go....come on, who has seen what?
Fuck I thought I had seen some brutality but U have seen some shit
When I was in my middle teens, my friends and I used to go to a local government funded motorbike track / club. Some great old fellas ran it, and the council provided them with new bikes every once in a while. Taught us all how to ride, you got 2-3 hours of riding and pretty dire cheeseburger for just a couple of quid.

After a few years they managed to get together some trials bikes too. Sometimes the men would take 6-7 trials bikes out to a local quarry that the farmer let us use, and a bunch of us kids. One day, lots of smaller younger kids were there, from a special school for kids with behaviour problems / adopted kids / etc. Most of them were very green, not much experience compared to us guys, and some of those bikes were powerful and some of those hills were steep.

I went up one hill and the summit was really small, only enough room for one bike. There was a guy crossing the flats in front of me so I had to wait a few seconds for him to pass before I went back down. I heard a bike behind me, and turned around, and one of the younger smaller kids was coming up right behind me and I started shouting at him to "BAIL! BAIL!" cos theres no way he's not crashing into me if he carries on climbing. The lad paniced, and just let go of the bike, and near the top he fell off, went rolling down backwards and the bike with him and I heard his leg snap. His femur was sticking out of his trousers, blood spurting everywhere, but it was the screaming that got me. Poor kid! Probably only about 12 or 13 years old.

One of the fellas ran over, white as a sheet, scooped him up lobbed him in his jeep and set off balls out to the hospital.


Fresh Meat
1986-I lived in the woods of Amelia City, Florida (old Hideout Studio) one Friday night I'm hanging with besty and youngest brother, when we hear boom, boom, BOOM, BOOM, and then BOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!
An overturned car had cartwheeled about 60 yards down the drive way, at over 90mph, hitting the MASSIVE railroad tie at the corner of the drive. landing about 48" from my buddy's car. We run out, and the vehicle is on it's roof. When the the 13yo girl was hurled out the back window, the broken glass/window frame caught her square in the mouth, cleaning removing her lower mandible. She was alive for about a minute, her eyes showing tremendous fear. Her name was Tina, and my younger brother knew who she was from his high school. Hard to watch her muscles move as she started to realize she can't speak...


Guess I'm a bit lucky (for this thread anyway) as I'm an ambulance medic. 20 years. Seen multiple self inflicted gunshot wounds to the head, impressive if shotgun used, multiple stabbings with abdominal contents burst out, traumatic amputations from car/motorcycle crashes, a young guy who walked in front of a train wearing headphones, he lost all limbs, but survived, poor bastard. Feet run over by rider mowers, multiple chainsaw cuts (really impressive as they simply tear flesh out). Lots of traumatic deaths through vehicle accidents., helicopter crashes. One I will never forget is a 3 month old baby boy with broken femur courtesy of angry father (black of course) the force required to break a rubbery 3 month old femur is incredible. Lots of hangings, I now can't cope with teenage girls who hang themselves, I just cry on the spot. Seen too much, have PTSD, only emotion is anger really now. Nothing on here amazes me, but I won't watch beheadings as I can't cope with them. Wish I could turn back the clock and choose a different career. I'm old now so can't get another job and I still have a house loan. Life fucking sucks sometimes. This site relaxes me, crazy


Someone cut apart in a bathtub. I never can walk into a bathroom with a tub without picture of the past. A few different suicides.... my neighbor dead for a week we finally smelled her. Never really thought about it....
I watched a motorcycle (crotch rocket) T-Bone the front passenger side of a sedan going about 60 MPH..The motorcycle blew through the light I was stopped at (coming from behind me) and impacted a car that had waited in the intersection for the light to turn red before it turned onto the next street. i was expecting him to fly but his chest hit the horizontal top area of the window and he dropped straight down.

I was the first in the scene and I knew he was done.. one arm was extended out but the forearm was folded going the other direction with the bone sticking straight out, his legs were mangled.. he was groaning but not for long... I stepped over him for being an asshole running the light and was trying to extract a woman stuck in the driver seat of the car since her engine was starting to catch fire. Luckily before i touched her the fire department (literally 400yards away) showed up and I was able to give a statement and continue to work.
The kid that ran the light had 3 heart attacks before succumbing in the helicopter.

The woman told me that she picks up her middle school aged daughter everyday and arrives home at that time like clockwork. The motorcycle shredded the entire front passenger area allbthe way to the center console. Had the daughter been sitting there that day she would have been cut in half. It was her lucky day.