No one will care about cops killing blacks unit black communities address this. (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
Someone needs to stop murdering all those black boys and men, this is outrageous!

If cultural distinction could be portrayed in a graph, it would look like this. See how they’re separated from all the rest? Yeah, bc they don’t act like anyone else.
If we had a similar graph depicting the races of the people who committed these homicides, it would look VERY MUCH LIKE THIS with the blacks having a great distinction and a high count.

Bottom line: It's the niggers killing most of the niggers. So don't get mad when others get on board and pop a few as well.


Well Known Member
Camps. Time for camps. The labor kind. Work off the nigga damage you have done to the actual functional society you freeload from. Every single person killed in black on white gun violence since the year 2000 should equate to 2 months of servitude. That’s decades of hard labor.