bizarre Pedo Trying To Meet With A 13 Year Old Boy, Freaks Out & Crashes Into Everything After Being Caught (1 Viewer)

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Dr. Johnny Fever

aka Bill Murray
Here is the full vid. Apparently he was high on meth. Pedo + chink + junkie, you can't get more despicable than that.

After watching the entire video his "can I just go poop" comment as he's laying on the pavement makes a lot more sense. What an obnoxious twitchy little tweaking scumbag. Shame there was no follow-up like charges/convictions/if he was hopefully raped to death by Tyrone.

At what point are you harassing a special needs guy?
He's functional enough to have a driver's licence and he's picking up a 13 year old, fuck his special needs.


Forum Veteran
Yes,But the Dorms that work the Kitchen and Laundry do Nasty Fkn Shit to their Grub! Everyone in the Kitchen adds Piss & Shit in their Grub as well as adding the other Body Yum Yums! It has to B done discreetly of course! But trust Me it does!
I know it's small,seemingly petty;But it's sumthin! 🤙...SP

Deffo is something👌🏻. I just hope and pray that every living moment of the rest of their lives will be feeling like hell. I don't even know why such shit stains are allowed life.


At first i thought this was all acting it was unbelievable but when he smashed the car up i knew it was real. How can nutjobs like this be allowed to roam about in society? How come nobody at his place of work sussed out he was a little fuckin head banger? He should be sectioned and in a mental hospital the rest of his like. I hope he kills himself.
U and Me both Gorefriend! The Scum should B EUTHANIZED!!!💉💉💉
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Forum Veteran
View attachment 611819

He just wanted to put a D up an A
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Looks like someone needs to get castrated while they still alive 😈🔪🔪
Is there any other way? Ofcoarse you do it while they're alive.... otherwise there's no point...then you feed his balls to him, slow and as he bites down, twist that 3foot x 1" piece of rebar ever so roughly( oh ya, you're gunna need Rebar) you inserted into his Bag void, to watch the expression on his face as he realizes he dunn Fucked up....😄 not that I've ever planned something like this out or anything....😉


Everything will be really bad.
I watch this guy's YouTube regularly. He's caught almost 200 guys trying to bang minors. His 46th predator though, committed suicide mid-catch. Another of his catches sued him for defamation - the case was either just recently heard in court or will be soon. I'm on the fence as to how I feel about these 'vigalante' chomo hunters because most of their catches are lured into something they weren't originally intending to do. Doesn't make it any less wrong I guess, but it's a very thin grey line and it's dangerous regardless.


Forum Veteran
View attachment 611819

Thank you for this video I needed to laugh. This guy's was great oh the restraint shown by then amera man when he was lying on the ground spread eagle. I would have kicked him so hard his balls would have exploded in his nutsack.
Dude had a complete metal breakdown. Piece of shit should have thought his action through more. Hopefully they beat the shit out of him after they cut the cameras.

Denim Chicken

Full-On Rapist
Ok I laughed really fuckin hard when he first pulled out in reverse and hit that curb 😂

This is one of the weirdest motherfuckers I've ever seen


Master Baiter..... 🎣🎣🎣
We used to sting pedophiles all the time and many of them used to act like this guy when they were caught, they often had Asperger's or were autistic and they thought that talking to children about sexual activities and sending pictures of themselves naked was okay 😡

It's surprising how many thought what they were doing was normal and acceptable and they would argue with us saying that it was okay to talk to a 12 year old child because they had the mental age of a child....

And in many cases their parents also thought that what there adult son's had done was okay because they were autistic and still thought they were children, fucking disgusting cunts are pedophiles.....

If caught once they should be castrated and locked up for the rest of their lives, if caught a second time it should be a bullet to the head