animals Played With A Yellow Jacket Bee...Lost (1 Viewer)

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Eric Blair

Drop acid, and then bombs. ✌️+❤️=🤯


Forum Veteran
Yellow jackets and bees are two different animals dumb fuck. There's no such thing as a yellow jacket bee. A yellow jacket is a wasp and can sting numerous times. They also prey on bees. A bee is a bee and can only sting once. And fuck you to everyone who is obviously going to get sand in your pussy and say I'm a n*gger or good job faggot or take my meds. Kill yourselves. HAVE A FUCKED UP DAY!!! 😁


Yellow jackets and bees are two different animals dumb fuck. There's no such thing as a yellow jacket bee. A yellow jacket is a wasp and can sting numerous times. They also prey on bees. A bee is a bee and can only sting once. And fuck you to everyone who is obviously going to get sand in your pussy and say I'm a n*gger or good job faggot or take my meds. Kill yourselves. HAVE A FUCKED UP DAY!!! 😁

Wrong. Bumblebees can sting more than once (only females).


Master Baiter..... 🎣🎣🎣
Yellow jackets and bees are two different animals dumb fuck. There's no such thing as a yellow jacket bee. A yellow jacket is a wasp and can sting numerous times. They also prey on bees. A bee is a bee and can only sting once. And fuck you to everyone who is obviously going to get sand in your pussy and say I'm a n*gger or good job faggot or take my meds. Kill yourselves. HAVE A FUCKED UP DAY!!! 😁
Some bees can sting multiple times