Prince Phillip dead at 99 (1 Viewer)

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Uppity cunt


95T exp
in used to think that was his old man - i changed my mind a few years ago - cant remember why tho ... 😂


Uppity cunt
Aside from the fact Hewit didnt meet Diana til the 1990s.... did he send his sperm in a time machine.
Harry is a dead mix of Charles and The Spencers genes.. particulalry Dianas brother hes a ginger

Hewitt currently lives in his aging mothers old person apartment and makes ends meet by doing gardening. If he somehow miraculously was the father he sure as hell would be selling his story


95T exp
phillips gaffes were fucking great - he was mad...

i cant find a list - someone find it pls - im lazy...

Der Wolf

Long time dead but look forward the resurrection
This user was banned
Prince Phillip was a real aristocratic lookin and handsome white man in his young age
It is only a pity that he fought against the Germans in World War II
In any case, RIP


That comment shows what a total wanking tool you are.. He was a total fucktard that rooted and made kids with his second cousin...So you condone inbreeding? Of course you do you mong...
Still fucking trying to troll me I see,

does being “breed out of colour” upset you that you share the victim attitude of the blacks and being a dick from the Italian side?