Ronald DeFeo Jr (1 Viewer)

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Search 'n Destroy

Well Known Member
Fuck... this ain't the real Amityville Horror!!!
The real Amityville Horror had a shitload of flies at the window, red shit oozing outta the walls (green if you read the book) , redrum written on the wall and an axe wielding psychopath!
Are you disappointed?


I just found some more pictures, figured I'd add.





dreams of death

Fresh Meat
Awesomeness come to think of it the house is still there intact wish i could see it its somewhat been a ttraction for years i think...and right now rich people have bought it? im not sure...but according to online resources its still there.


Well Known Member
What the hell is this guy doing on the serial killer posts. He's a mass murderer a thrill killer maybe but a serial killer definitely not.
No cunning, no sexual deviancy, no mutilation or staging or posing.
Nice pics though! What a shame the older one looked like she woulda been hot!!!!

Bea Kiddo

Forum Dabbler
I wonder if that houses history would make it worth a fortune or worth next to nothing as nobody would want to live there.

Actually the house sold again a couple of years ago for about 1.5 mil.. which is on target with area comps. So it seems, at least all these years later --the house's notoriety has no effect on price. More importantly, the house has been continuously occupied yet no owners after the Lutz family have reported paranormal activity.


The Relentless Cynic
Short Bussed
I hate our judicial system. Why throw a guy in jail for so many consecutive life sentences. Draining our tax dollars. Keep the bastard housed in jail for two years and then execute his ass.


Well Known Member
In China if it's a guilty verdict and they sentence death it's now out to the field and take a bullet to the brain. No solitary, no appeals, no last meal, just gone. If your innocent then that's just how the Chinese roll, too bad so sad yer dead. I'd love to see it happen in Australia because we have a few rotting corpses in our prisons sucking off the public purse.
Bullets are cheap and thrill/serial killers are disposable, Martin Bryant, Ivan Milat are two candidates off the top of my head DeFeo should get one too.


Well Known Member
I'm surprised someone hasn't taken him out. Murder is one thing, killing your whole family for no reason is just beyond comprehension.
Hope he dies a miserable slow death.