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Varmint Hunter

I'd go to hell just to shoot the Devil in the face
...and urge the Russian authorities to abandon torture practices.“,

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA for real??? When has criminals, cultists, and totalitarian regimes EVER been swayed to change their behavior by "urging", "pleading", or tears and calls for compassion???

Never happens. You only convince a criminal or a totalitarian regime to change it's ways by using brute force. Killing the criminal while he/she is in the act of offending tends to pacify their behavior quite effectively. So does a box truck full of ANFO and a blasting cap parked outside or under a palace where a tyrant and his minions are gathering to celebrate some military BS.

When will people fucking learn that pleading and protests does not work against people and agencies who want to do harm? No wonder why society is devolving, not evolving. Even when I was fucking SIX YEARS OLD, when I did or said something that yielded no results, I immediately gave up doing or saying that thing in the future and adopted more effective solutions to get the results I wanted.

A fucking world full of USELESS and PATHETIC SHEEP we are.


Forum Veteran
Russians love torture
There is a part of most if not all humans where torture is a rational destination given enough motivation.

Motivation can be a number of things. Most people abore torture but only because they are not sufficiently motivated. Torture someone's children in front of them and the most loving parent will grab hold of a lash and set to.

See the African neck lacings on this site. Gagging for it and motivated only by theft. That's quite low on the spectrum of motivations really, unless the item stolen is your children's only food and all are in famine.

In the West we generally live in benign times so torture does not predominate. At least not offically, Cartels being the exception.

Go back to Spanish Inquistion times though, where the motivation was to:
a) save the population from predations of the devil.
b) to save the souls of the tortured so they can ascend to heaven.
c) the hallucinations brought on by eating ergot infected rye bread.

The US, after 911, utilized torture openly. They were motivated by the greatest blind siding since Pearl Harbour on Dec 7, 1942, and were, naturally, scared and revengeful, as would we all be in a similar situation.

Russians are no different from every one else. I recall a US police officer given 20 years for rupturing some poor bastards rectum with a broken broom stick back in the 1990's.

As numerous torturers have said, you will not know what you are capable of until you are tested...


Mr Death
I didn't quiet know in what section to put this 'cus I'm sort of speechless.. coordinators and experts managed to take out a secret video archive, which was filmed in a number of FSIN institutions under the control of operatives from the M FSB department of Russia. This archive contains over 1000 videos and documents that confirm the systemic nature of torture in Russian prisons. In fact, FSIN and FSB operatives gave orders to their agents, capo developers, to torture arrested and convicted prisoners, to force them to cooperate and give the necessary evidence. At the same time, in relation to people who were in a knowingly helpless position (they were beaten, stripped naked, tied up), violent acts were committed in a perverted form. People were beaten, raped, tortured, and everything that happened was filmed. In the coming weeks, we will be gradually releasing this video evidence in order to expose this torture conveyor and urge the Russian authorities to abandon torture practices.“, – said Vladimir Osechkin on the air.

View attachment 546802

If you wanna look into this more
sauce: Leakage from the FSB! A whole archive of terrible torture of prisoners was taken out of Russia - Global Happenings
ya know for hateing gays they sure do have gays ways of torture
well if the guy wasnt in prison/jail in the first place....
That has absolutely nothing to do with it. This poor man may or may not have actually been convicted of anything..He could be innocent. Regardless… being put in prison to serve a term is one thing..there is NO reason to brutally SEXUALLY ASSAULT a human being (male OR female) regardless if they are a “prisoner” or not. “Inhumane” for what this poor guy was forced to suffer through is an UNDERSTATEMENT!👎🏻


silent ghost
That has absolutely nothing to do with it. This poor man may or may not have actually been convicted of anything..He could be innocent. Regardless… being put in prison to serve a term is one thing..there is NO reason to brutally SEXUALLY ASSAULT a human being (male OR female) regardless if they are a “prisoner” or not. “Inhumane” for what this poor guy was forced to suffer through is an UNDERSTATEMENT!👎🏻
apparently he has had himself in a situation, to put himself in that predicament. so "welcome to the zoo"

Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
Meh...In America, prisoners are molly-coddled...especially those from a certain demographic.

If, instead of molly-coddling them, the kid-gloves were taken off and they were subjected to this type of treatment within the prison system, then they'd get right up to speed with the program and walk a chalk-line when they were released at the end of their sentences.

Recidivism would be low...very low indeed.



Fresh Meat
I didn't quiet know in what section to put this 'cus I'm sort of speechless.. coordinators and experts managed to take out a secret video archive, which was filmed in a number of FSIN institutions under the control of operatives from the M FSB department of Russia. This archive contains over 1000 videos and documents that confirm the systemic nature of torture in Russian prisons. In fact, FSIN and FSB operatives gave orders to their agents, capo developers, to torture arrested and convicted prisoners, to force them to cooperate and give the necessary evidence. At the same time, in relation to people who were in a knowingly helpless position (they were beaten, stripped naked, tied up), violent acts were committed in a perverted form. People were beaten, raped, tortured, and everything that happened was filmed. In the coming weeks, we will be gradually releasing this video evidence in order to expose this torture conveyor and urge the Russian authorities to abandon torture practices.“, – said Vladimir Osechkin on the air.

View attachment 546802

If you wanna look into this more
sauce: Leakage from the FSB! A whole archive of terrible torture of prisoners was taken out of Russia - Global Happenings
Pretty sure he deserves this special treatment 😆😆😁

Denim Chicken

Full-On Rapist
Looks like a table leg


Well Known Member
So that is why Griner said she was a drug mule. She is the bottom and likes this sort of thing.

jst taking the temperature de chinese way, gota be careful of corona
russian covid trials. Hence the six foot stick.
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Russians are disgusting, I lived in Brooklyn for years, I've seen how they live and act, and the place is crawling with them.
I'm sure they were Ukrainian not russian, there arent many russians here in brooklyn its mostly those notC Ukrainian pos that make us look bad just by the way they speak to each other in their own retarted language is fkn cringe AF along with all the Uzbeki ppl in brooklyn that went from riding donkeys to driving toyotas causing all the traffic and accidents, Russians are nothing like all these Eastern European ex soviet union ppl that are no longer part of Russia because of the way they are, they're traitors, notC skinheads, alcoholics drug addicts and they'll sellout their own blood relatives for chump change which is why the u.s chose ukraine for the current situation because they were the easiest to persuade and majority are descendants of notC German pow's and "politsai", I could go on and on but it's pointless u were probably raised to hate russia with all the movies and shyt lol