beatings Scum didn't have any bananas for 8 hours (4 Viewers)

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Dr Deacon

Lick the Window of Life



The stench of nigger sweat hangs heavy in the air. Oh,my n word was auto corrected.What's the world coming to?.


What the fuck… this dude could be a vet or something or just a good guy and they just fucking ran up and decided to have a jumping session on his car? The fuck is wrong with these people? Zero fuxking control over their actions and no functioning brain cells. Fucking Christ this is disgusting
And then these monkeys complain that they are always hated and targeted by police. How come you don’t see ANY other race acting like this? Oh you live in a poor neighborhood so that means you have to do fucking dumb shit like this? Fuck that, bust out the fire hoses and let’s take this shit back to the “civil rights” era. We can all see how much “equality” did for them and their standing in society