The Highway Of Death - Gulf War (1 Viewer)

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Internet Warrior
There is no stragey to counter an enemy who purposefully and intentionally inserts themselves in the crowds of innocents and then fires on you from that crowd. They also pack the backpacks of 8 year olds with IEDs and send them up to the American troops hummvee and then detonate..


Forum Veteran
As far as civilian casualties are involved we'll never know, but most of the vehicles were stolen by Iraqi troops as they retreated along with other valuables they looted, they also changed out of their uniforms to avoid detection. Fuck the lot of them in my opinion
I would like to point out most of the civilian cars i see show no real damage, and almost zero of them are burned. I call bullshit.
I see what u r talking about.. it's just that when the US government intervenes, the "fuck it, kill 'em all" policy is in effect..
we dont TARGET civilians in general. They do. Even before we nuked japan, we dropped fliers saying gtfo, this shit is gonna be flat and smoky, bitches.


Internet Warrior
there is so much more to strategy than just open conflict..


Internet Warrior
Oh your a military strategist expert now?? Please. Stop believing everything you see on TV and listen to people who were there.


Internet Warrior
you guys have valid points, but it's not the whole picture.. but I'm gonna stop, coz I'll be at this for days..


Forum Veteran
Yes, of course.

I see civilians standing around, and i see no troops in those pics. I see a perfectly white car parked on charred earth. I dont see any burned or exploded cars that are certainly worthless to military. It could be staged post fact to make callateral damage seem extremely high.

Max Dalton

Och aye the noo
Well if that makes you feel better you go with it, we don't know when these pics were taken, could have been days after it. no smoke coming from any vehicles and in other pics the vehicles have already been moved off the road, wonder if they moved some onto charred ground, hey i'm just saying


Every war tactic/strategy is obsolete after the first ten minutes....someone said once.
Weren't this people looting troops and civilians on their escape back home...? Bad luck.


Forum Veteran
Well if that makes you feel better you go with it, we don't know when these pics were taken, could have been days after it. no smoke coming from any vehicles and in other pics the vehicles have already been moved off the road, wonder if they moved some onto charred ground, hey i'm just saying
Im not trying to make excuses for it. Im just describing what i see in the pics. Yes, i think some of the cars were placed after the fact, no i dont think they were simply moved there as pert of the clearing off.



Let It All Bleed Out
The Allied attack on the defeated Iraqi forces retreating from Kuwait actually took place on two highways: Highway 80 (The Highway of Death) and on Highway 8.

Estimates are that 1,400-2,000 (military and civilian) vehicles were destroyed or abandoned on Hwy 80 while several hundred others were destroyed along Hwy 8. Most of the images of dead bodies from this event were taken along Hwy 8, not Hwy 80.

Despite the carnage on these two highways, it's estimated that 70,000-80,000 retreating Iraqi forces still managed to successfully escape (probably into Basra) from Kuwait during the mass retreat.

Civilian casualties were to be expected. Kuwaiti civilians had allegedly been taken hostage by the retreating Iraqi forces, others were pro-Iraq Kuwaitis now turned refugees, and others would have included Kuwaitis that had collaborated with Iraq in the plot to overthrow Kuwait.

The Iraqi columns on both highways consisted of numerous T-55/T-59 tanks, armoured military vehicles - often outfitted with anti-aircraft guns, hundreds of civilian cars, trucks, buses and even a few Kuwaiti fire trucks. Many of the vehicles were stuffed with all kinds of loot that the Iraqi troops were trying to escape with.

There's no accurate figure on how many Iraqi soldiers/Kuwait civilians died while trying to escape Kuwait on Hwy 80 and Hwy 8. Some estimates say atleast 10,000 were killed with the majority of these being Iraqi troops: mostly Iraqi Regulars on Hwy 80 and the elite National Guard on Hwy 8.

1. Highway 80; The Highway of Death

2. Highway 8.