The Worst Ebola Outbreak in History (2 Viewers)

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Supporter of Sun - Dog
Short Bussed
Why not have the ward set up on some deserted island instead of the middle of the country?


Forum Veteran
Two Americans with the ebola virus are being flown back the United States. There is a special isolation ward set up at a hospital in Atlanta Georgia. As a medical professional there's no way I would be convinced to care for them. If I didn't have kids I would probably consider it.

Don't blame you, I wouldn't do it either. My son works in a hospital....this kind of stuff always worries me.


I'll swallow your soul!


Internet Warrior
Africa might get the clean out it needs! Just need to stay the fuck away from the place!

Well, if you wanna go over there and help African kids, stay over there. There are plenty of American kids that these doctors could help. We don't need folks bringing that shit over here.

'Samaritan's Purse has been working to evacuate him for better care, said Ken Isaacs, vice president of the agency. Unfortunately, emergency medical evacuation flights in the area are not equipped to handle the "intense isolation" required for an Ebola patient.'

Quoted from the link D.N.R. put in her 2nd post. Holy shit, they want to move them to better care facilities. What the heck are these people thinking? Like you said DD, if they want to help, stay the fuck over there and take your risks. Just don't bring that shit here.


Internet Warrior

Ebola virus: the tiny airport in Sierra Leone that has direct link to Britain
Passengers on only direct flight to Britain from Ebola-infected area are ordered to wash hands in chlorine and take fever tests




ummmmm, You smell that?
They're gonna let a lot of people die. It's a little thing called population control. The virus is highly contagious, and although they say they don't have a cure, I think that they do . I could be wrong, but if I'm not.....
It can be sexually transmitted by a lucky survivor :zombie:

The disease has a high mortality rate: often between 50 percent and 90 percent.[1][2] If an infected person survives, recovery may be quick and complete, or prolonged with long term problems, such as inflammation of the testicles, joint pains, muscle pains, skin peeling, or hair loss. Eye symptoms, such as light sensitivity, excess tearing, iritis, iridocyclitis, choroiditis and blindness have also been described. EBOV and SUDV may be able to persist in the semen of some survivors, which could give rise to infections and disease via sexual intercourse.[1]


The hair-flip of death
Anyway, it WAS nice living in a country without any viral hemorrhagic disease outbreaks. They're bringing an infected guy here to the States. It'll spread. Just wait.