The Worst Ebola Outbreak in History (2 Viewers)

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I'll swallow your soul!
If there's no vaccine / whatever how do the small percentage that survive it recover?
Any chance of surviving Ebola largely hinges upon early access to medical care when symptoms such as fever, headache, and joint and muscle pain first arise. By the time the disease progresses to hemorrhaging, it's almost always too late.

Patients who receive supportive therapies early on to manage symptoms and complications have a better chance of living through it, although survival is still far from certain. Early interventions may include intravenous fluids and electrolytes for dehydration, maintaining blood pressure, transfusions to replace blood lost due to hemorrhaging, as well as treating any subsequent infections that result from the virus. Most Ebola patients actually die from low blood pressure and shock rather than blood loss.

Medical experts say most people who manage to recover from an acute Ebola infection will likely be able to return to their life and resume normal activities. But unfortunately, Ebola survivors do often develop certain chronic inflammatory conditions that affect the joints and eyes, problems that can follow a survivor through the remainder of their life. Dr. Amar Safdar, associate professor of infectious diseases and immunology at NYU Langone Medical Center, told CBS News these chronic conditions are a result of the body's immune response.


There's a video with this link showing one of the ebola patients arriving at an Atlanta hospital~
I think the biggest risk we are facing is all of the travelers that are going to get on planes before realizing they are sick. Three weeks is a long incubation period.
If that happens, then we can look forward to a halt to air travel as it is today.
This could be a BAD clusterfuck.
TIA-- Africa, CDC,Obama,FEMA,.......


Forum Veteran
Wasnt there a movie out some time back about this same shit happening? Scary stuff......

Outbreak comes to mind..


Medication time


Chief Trump Campaign Strategist
you americans are so humorously obtuse with your ebola panic. top headlines on every media outlet...all the while the rest of the civilized world laughs at you.