Towelhead stuck in landing gear of C17 that took off from Kabul (1 Viewer)

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This is how badly they wanted out of Afghanistan knowing the taliban had taken over ,the middle east will always be a shit country.
Yes. Lots of people think it’s funny and make jokes hurr hurr dumb monkeys hurr but that’s how you spot the stupid ones any so I’m not even mad. Glad someone else can see the bigger picture here.


Forum Veteran

Yes. Lots of people think it’s funny and make jokes hurr hurr dumb monkeys hurr but that’s how you spot the stupid ones any so I’m not even mad. Glad someone else can see the bigger picture here.
When your better option is a suicide trip on a 600kt aircraft you have to wonder about bad choice A, the Taliban...

Taliban translates to 'The Students' . Presumably of the Koran...


Well Known Member
I rather enjoy this little clip i hope a entire hoard of retarded middle eastern fucks get stuck to every plane that leaves that shit. fuck jsut start gluing them to the outside so we can watch them slowly peel off at 900mph :lulz: 😍 :bong:
Thanks to Biden the 100,000 he’s letting into the US will allow Millions to ladder migrate. Watch these home grown terrorists 10 years from now when the attacks become daily news.


Well, what do you expect when you have no brain cells, and think hanging onto the wing of a plane is a good idea? I don’t know what the fuck he thought would happen.