animals Warning Getting Rid Of Man Eating Croc (1 Viewer)

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Chief Queef

Last of the Mohicans
Bush meat eating motherfuckers. You're going to eat something that ate you're fucking neighbor? And we wonder how these bizarre diseases appear?


I never eat a pig as a pig is a cop
Random fact.
Crocodilians can shunt deoxygenated blood away from the lungs to the digestive tract. This allows increased acid production from the ions in the acidotic blood to help digest their meals.
And in Yorkshire it means 😀😊😉

Flatus Tube

I have counted to infinity, twice.
And in Yorkshire it means 😀😊😉

Reyt good fact like…
Crocodiles can make blood wi’out oxygen go t’ tummy like. Thee dark blood ‘as more acid in it like. Acid can turn bones to mush good and proper, so it ‘elps them t’ digest thee grub.

Solomon Kane

And so it begins..
Random fact.
Crocodilians can shunt deoxygenated blood away from the lungs to the digestive tract. This allows increased acid production from the ions in the acidotic blood to help digest their meals.
Another random fact,
Thier yummy on the BBQ 😋