What's the most disturbing video you've ever come across? (8 Viewers)

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Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!
over they years of searching for the worst videos I could possibly find I've come across videos that plauge me. I had no limit nothing of out of bounds. I've seen it all you could say not just gore. I've seen Daisy destruction all 4 parts. but there's a video that's rumored to still be out there called Cindy's demise. apparently it was made by the same man. I have the aftermath pictures from it I would share but it would probably be to much for this cite
I would like to see it :(


For me it was three videos....

1. A group of men locked in a aluminium cage by ISIS and lowered into a pool to drown. There were under water cameras too.

2. A few men locked in a car while ISIS chucked a handful of phosphorus grenades in. The screams still haunt me to this day.

3. My father made me watch a journalist who was captured having his throat cut/head cut off by Al-Queda when I was about 14. I'm 37 now. It was traumatic.


Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!
For me it was three videos....

1. A group of men locked in a aluminium cage by ISIS and lowered into a pool to drown. There were under water cameras too.

2. A few men locked in a car while ISIS chucked a handful of phosphorus grenades in. The screams still haunt me to this day.

3. My father made me watch a journalist who was captured having his throat cut/head cut off by Al-Queda when I was about 14. I'm 37 now. It was traumatic.
The 1. one i saw too that was realy realy crazy too maybe the worst thing i saw the cameras under water to see how they drown was pure evil .... the 2. i never saw :( would be nice if someone could give me a link if its anywhere still available.
I watched one video on here where the cartels had a pitbull rip off a dudes dick and balls. Then kept having the dog rip at the flesh behind where the dudes dick use to be... that video had me about throwing up. and I've seen most of the terrible shit on here. That one sticks with me.
can u send a link? like to see


The 1. one i saw too that was realy realy crazy too maybe the worst thing i saw the cameras under water to see how they drown was pure evil .... the 2. i never saw :( would be nice if someone could give me a link if its anywhere still available.

can u send a link? like to see
That cartel one is grim 🀒


Forum Veteran
I remember probing the dark corners of the internet, 15 or so years ago, looking at "faces of death" clips, thinking it was real, and happened across a clip of a yound woman in a dress, tied to a chair and blindfolded. The abductor was using one hand to work the camcorder, and he had a revolver in the other, you could only see the cylinder and barrel. It Looked like an old .22 maybe. He was standing about 5 feet in front of her, and she was crying, begging the person to stop. She couldn't see through the blindfolded because he crept up to within a foot of her face and was playfully waving the around her head, like some Silence of the Lambs shit. Anyway, he did this for about 2 minutes, she's still sobbing and begging to be let go, and then without a word, BOOM, right in the middle of her forehead. The small caliber didn't even exit her skull, but her head jerked back for a second and then slowly leaned over towards her left shoulder. Blood started running out of the hole and then her nose. She didn't move again, just slowly relaxed into the chair while he watched. He never said a word. I watched it over and over again, looking at the differences between faces of death type shit, and that lady, and there WERE differences. I knew I just watched someone get murdered. I didn't watch anymore videos for a few weeks, BUT, curiosity you know, and here we are.


Fresh Meat
Just as the title states, is there any video you've come across that has stuck with you for a while? ?

While it's not gory per-say, more along the lines of torture, but the most disturbing video I've stumbled across depicts a corrupt doctor pulling out a child's teeth without any anesthesia, couldn't have been older than 8 or 9. Screams were horrific, and I couldn't manage to finish the video. Disgusting.
I seen a video where a primary school boy sits in chair and they tie down his arms and legs and they blind fold him.

Then the doctor goes inside his throat and rips out his tonsils. Their wasn't any anaesthesia. The boy was going hysterical and blood was pouring out his mouth. Pretty horrendous to watch.


Probably the worse one was another cartel video where they cut the guys heart out and one guy takes a bite out of it. They must be high as fuck to do that


Tal como dice el tΓ­tulo, ΒΏhay algΓΊn video con el que te hayas encontrado que te haya quedado grabado por un tiempo? ?

Si bien no es sangriento por decir, mΓ‘s en la lΓ­nea de la tortura, pero el video mΓ‘s inquietante con el que me he topado muestra a un mΓ©dico corrupto sacΓ‘ndole los dientes a un niΓ±o sin anestesia, no podrΓ­a haber tenido mΓ‘s de 8 o 9 aΓ±os. Gritos fueron horribles, y no pude terminar el video. Desagradable.
I saw a video on bestgore.com

The title was in Chinese, the Spanish translation said bloody goat.

A young and voluptuous girl's limbs are tied, they torture her, and in the end the executioner inserts the gun into her reproductive organs and shoots, the girl does not die until the seventh shot.

Between each shot the thug waits more than 10 seconds.

I would like to see the video again if someone knows where I find it I would be grateful.

I had seen several videos of deaths, posters, accidents, war, doctors, etc.

But that video gave me chills, I even almost cried.


Forum Veteran
Just as the title states, is there any video you've come across that has stuck with you for a while? ?

While it's not gory per-say, more along the lines of torture, but the most disturbing video I've stumbled across depicts a corrupt doctor pulling out a child's teeth without any anesthesia, couldn't have been older than 8 or 9. Screams were horrific, and I couldn't manage to finish the video. Disgusting.
I've seen alot mention this one but can't seem to find it. Any jdea what I need to type in to find it please?


Forum Veteran
Most disturbing has to be the Mexican dude who had his face skinned, hands removed while a cartel member cuts his throat slowly with a box cutter. Brutal shit.
Two videos I can think of:
- Some Indian kid got in those shitty third world elevators and fell through the gap as the elevator moved up, getting squeezed like a toothpaste tube.
- A streamer committed suicide with a shotgun with the Samsung ringtone playing just before he pulled the trigger. Even worse, that ringtone was his mum calling him as she was watching the livestream herself.