What's the most disturbing video you've ever come across? (7 Viewers)

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Just as the title states, is there any video you've come across that has stuck with you for a while? ?

While it's not gory per-say, more along the lines of torture, but the most disturbing video I've stumbled across depicts a corrupt doctor pulling out a child's teeth without any anesthesia, couldn't have been older than 8 or 9. Screams were horrific, and I couldn't manage to finish the video. Disgusting.
Yah it was a sweet cat that had been loved for many years was thrown into wash machine brain Damaged bcuz of it or some shit. Washed up afterwards I think in siezure
i came across a video of a young girl in the woods. she was having her ankles and shins hacked at with a large kitchen knife. she was taking it. with nothing but a slight moan. it was rainy and muddy and it looked as if she had no fight left. they began hacking at her elbows, and as you can imagine, a kitchen knife isnt the most effective in chopping a bone off. so it took a long time. she was just crying in the rain, being cut to pieces. i dont remember what happened but that one stuck with me. and ive seen a lot worse. her lack of struggle really sat with me. she just held her own arm out as it was repeatedly being chopped at. i mean, it hurts to hit my funny bone, i cant imagine the tendons and the nerves being shredded. tough little bitch. god rest her soul.


Probably the worse one was another cartel video where they cut the guys heart out and one guy takes a bite out of it. They must be high as fuck to do that
The one where they literally cut down the chest of that chubby guy in the shallow grave? Cos i agree thats worse than the ‘funkytown’ one


Fresh Meat
Footage of people getting tortured in balkan war prison camps. Beatings, screams, rape, torture - woman, men, elderly, kids. Leaving dogs to finish them. One guy forced to swallow rosemary which has metal cross then they slit his throat. Forcing father and son to suck each other dick then do butt sex. Hanging man upside down like a pig then beat him with plow etc. - his face came off.
Problem is that I met people on tape (who survived) and I know the perpetrators who walk free. That shit fucked me up (I hate my job becouse of that, who the fuck forced me to study law).

And one that shook me now to the core - the Ukrainian dude stabbing in the eye guy who was tied up and on his knees.


The video starts with a woman laying on the floor all you can see is a close up of her head and then you see a masked man walk in the room with a baseball bat 😶 he then proceeds to beat her in the head with the bat over and over until there’s nothing left of her head, he made her face look like a pile of spaghetti 🍝 one of the first gore videos I saw 👀
Need this video lmk if you can find it again!
like only a few minutes ago i came acros a video on this site of some guy/kid getting skinned alive they also ripped his beating heart out
other than that probertly 3 guys 1 hammer or that human slaugther house where everyone was just calmy chilling waiting to be slaugtherd like cows while seeing the others getting slaugtherd right next to them

weird shit man


Serving coffee and chaos
I believe it was actually when I started gore around that one year mark. Saw a video of a young teen who slit open her arm and bled to death on their bed. Back than, seeing someone my age actually go through with that fucked me up.


Plotting your suicide.
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The worst one I've seen was of a woman who was about seven or eight months pregnant, but her torturer had tied her down onto a workbench, then sliced open her belly and yanked a baby boy out. She's screaming and convulsing the entire time. The umbilical cord was still attached, so he cut that with a knife. Then he used the knife to cut off the baby's genitals. The baby finally began screaming, then he put it on the floor and put one foot on its chest to hold it down. He twisted and pulled on one arm, and I could hear the popping and cracking, and then that arm just popped right off. It made a horrendous sound that I'll never forget.

Then he picks it up by both feet and started swinging it so that its head collided with its mother's head. Over and over and over, until it stopped screaming and its head was just a pulpy mess. The film was in black and white, and the man and women were both speaking a language I didn't recognize.

It literally made me sick. Rarely does the sight of something make me vomit, but that one did it.


For me it was a cartel torture video, they were torturing one guy, but he wasn't screaming or anything as if he was trying to show he wasn't going to given them the pleasure of it. Once they realized that, one guy comes with a knife cuts a piece of his skin and starts pulling as much as he can off, then the guy finally started screaming and it was a horrible scream. That one made not watch videos for the rest of the day


Deaf but don't give a fuck!
Here's a clue 👦 👦 🔨 🇺🇦 vs 👴🏻 in the 🌳s. that video got me hooked.


Fresh Meat
The one that sticks with me is the one where a Drug Cartels Goons,had this poor bastard on the floor...They had removed his hands and feet,which were tied off,of course,for length of his horrific torture;(can't hv Him bleeding out),His fkn face had been sliced right the fuck-off(a live version of Skeletor);So as he's lying there on this kitchen floor,they decide to finish him off with a combination of a sickle type blade,and an exacto knife...As they start cutting his head off,with the sickle,he's reaching up to stop the attack,but with no fkn hands,u kinda get it right,and no fkn feet,so he can't get up and run...While cutting into his throat of course u hear that fkn creepy air escaping with the blood gurgling,and his screaming all mixed together...it fucked me up...Especially when goon switches to the exacto knife and starts on the neck,then the victim bites on the fkn blade in a feeble attempt to stop the attack,which in turn only pisses off the goons...the attack went on for like three mins,then just stops b4 they killed that poor fkr...Worst one to date !!! SP
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Yes that one is brutal. Also isn't Guns n Rose's on in the background? Ruined sweet child o mine

Venture _Capitalist

situational awareness instructor

Just as the title states, is there any video you've come across that has stuck with you for a while? ?

While it's not gory per-say, more along the lines of torture, but the most disturbing video I've stumbled across depicts a corrupt doctor pulling out a child's teeth without any anesthesia, couldn't have been older than 8 or 9. Screams were horrific, and I couldn't manage to finish the video. Disgusting.
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