Why Palestinians hate jews (2 Viewers)

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Forum Veteran
Ever hear the tribe name Philistines in the Bible?

The word "Palestinian" derives from the Philistines, a people who were not indigenous to Canaan but who had gained control of the coastal plains of what are now Israel and Gaza for a time.


Netanyahu wrote: “There's no connection between the ancient Philistines & the modern Palestinians, whose ancestors came from the Arabian Peninsula to the Land of Israel thousands of years later.



Depends on whose history one believes.



The word "Palestinian" derives from the Philistines, a people who were not indigenous to Canaan but who had gained control of the coastal plains of what are now Israel and Gaza for a time.


Netanyahu wrote: “There's no connection between the ancient Philistines & the modern Palestinians, whose ancestors came from the Arabian Peninsula to the Land of Israel thousands of years later.



Depends on whose history one believes.
Netanyahu also bitched about US and how he dominated their decisions and his decisions were final on camera, What he says is not important. Also, 1946 invasion of Palestine seemed justified to you ? And these Israel seems the Israelites of the Bible to you? If so even Orthodox Jews will prove it to you. When the whole world knows 9/11 was a strategic plan to invade regions for expansion of Greater Israel map; Don't tell you do not know.


Netanyahu also bitched about US and how he dominated their decisions and his decisions were final on camera, What he says is not important. Also, 1946 invasion of Palestine seemed justified to you ? And these Israel seems the Israelites of the Bible to you? If so even Orthodox Jews will prove it to you. When the whole world knows 9/11 was a strategic plan to invade regions for expansion of Greater Israel map; Don't tell you do not know.
This is a English only site


1946 invasion of Palestine
You talking about the 1947 war? Where surrounding Arab nations invaded Israel after Israels Declaration of Independence?
the thing I don’t get is after the 6 day war where Israel beat the shit out the Arabs again they gave back all the land 🤷🏻‍♂️


You talking about the 1947 war? Where surrounding Arab nations invaded Israel after Israels Declaration of Independence?
the thing I don’t get is after the 6 day war where Israel beat the shit out the Arabs again they gave back all the land 🤷🏻‍♂️
View attachment 588188

Just 6 minutes of your precious time; I am skipping words and all at the moment, Please excuse.


Forum Veteran
Netanyahu also bitched about US and how he dominated their decisions and his decisions were final on camera, What he says is not important. Also, 1946 invasion of Palestine seemed justified to you ? And these Israel seems the Israelites of the Bible to you? If so even Orthodox Jews will prove it to you. When the whole world knows 9/11 was a strategic plan to invade regions for expansion of Greater Israel map; Don't tell you do not know.

A first for me .
There are probably a thousand conpriacys regarding Jews. And 9-11 .
I continually ask those espouse these conspiracy to put up some credible evidence.
Still waiting .


Well Known Member
Female journalist killed by Israeli forces while she was with Palestinian gunmen, except in all video of it not a gunman is seen & only Israeli's are shooting, now, to her funeral.
Reminds me of film of the 'Brown Shirts' in action in Germany.
Like the fake news is going to show the terrorists shooting FIRST.
Hang around military targets, don't complain you get shot with them.

A first for me .
There are probably a thousand conpriacys regarding Jews. And 9-11 .
I continually ask those espouse these conspiracy to put up some credible evidence.
Still waiting .
and the stupidity of them. What is more plausible. Bush spent a month with hundreds of men drilling holes, and planting explosives, and no one notices.
Or a couple of guys fill the planes fuel tanks with rocket fuel (which WILL melt steel), and fly it into the buildings.
One thing for sure. NYC stupidity. How can you work in a tall building and not have a parachute, a hang glider, or even repelling rope nearby.
Who cares if base jumping is illegal. Not like they were going to chase you down for it. Even if they do, you pay the fine, and shoot the judge for attempted murder saying you have to die in the building.
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Plotting your suicide.
This user was banned
Fuck that arab hipster, palestinians (like all Muslims) are only good for (IDF) target practice
Every time I see you post, I wonder what that avatar pic is from and never ask. It reminds me of an album cover, but I'm probably wrong. Care to share where it's from?


We Shoulda Picked Our Own Cotton.
Having to choose….Jews are less awful in the Sand-Nigger/Goat-Fuckers category.


back in 628 the prophet abused the tolerance of the jews and christians in QURAYZA and when muslims reach demographic majority he slaughtered all jews and christians of the city and renamed it into Medina... this is the perfect way of life according to the quran... the quran says that jews are apes and that christians are drty pigs